www-style@w3.org from June 2010 by subject

[CSS basic box model] Proposal: new value for the clear property

[css-fonts] Is it possible to select a vertical variant in a font?

[css2.1] Font family names in CSS and SVG

[css2.1] Handling of style sheets with no MIME type, or an unparseable MIME type

[css2.1] handling of U+0000 - match html5?

[css21-selectors] Interpretation of attribute selector

[CSS21] [CSS3 Text] Re: Treating carriage return as white space in layout

[CSS21] [css3-lists] list-style-position: inside

[CSS21] Another ambiguity in the definition of "containing block"

[CSS21] bidi paragraph separators vs line separators

[CSS21] bidi, text-align, and list markers

[CSS21] Cascade of SVG presentational attributes

[css21] computed value of top/bottom for relative positioning

[CSS21] Height of cell box should not be influenced by 'height'

[CSS21] Issue 149 - px vs. pt

[CSS21] stack level definitions in 9.9.1

[CSS21] table-caption width

[CSS21] The first page

[css3-2d-transforms] matrix decomposition (for animation)

[css3-2d-transforms] skew(a,b)

[css3-3d-transforms] skewZ and skew3D

[css3-background] - border-image-slice inconsistent should behave like edge shorthands

[css3-background] blur distance

[css3-background] box-shadow spread Multiple Choice Question

[css3-background] center of corner transitons

[css3-background] Editorial: at-risk features

[css3-background] Negative box-shadow blur: equivalent to 0px or invalid ?

[css3-background] vastly different takes on "blur"

[css3-content] ::outside become "containing block"

[css3-content] ::outside future

[css3-content] ::outside::outside vs ::outside(2)

[css3-flex] calc(flex) and concept of free space.

[css3-flexbox] Box-pack and equivalents

[css3-flexbox] flexbox questions

[css3-flexbox] max-height and box-align (RE: flexbox questions)

[css3-flexbox] use cases (RE: Flexbox Draft, with pictures!)

[css3-flexbox]ordinal group and drawing order

[css3-fonts] humane 'unicode-range'

[css3-fonts] low-level font features

[css3-fonts] Relationship between OpenType and CSS font names

[css3-gcpm] New WD

[css3-gcpm][css3-text] Hyphenation

[css3-layout] PFWG comment 1 of 2 on CSS Template Layout Module: Tab order (for sighted keyboard users).

[css3-layout] PFWG comment 2 of 2 on CSS Template Layout Module: CSS code.

[css3-lists] Proposal: list-style-position inside-hanging

[css3-multicol] column balancing and fixed height (RE: Question on Flexbox balance implementation)

[css3-multicol] column-span in overflow

[css3-page] Negative Page Dimension

[css3-page] What if @page {display:none;} ?

[css3-selectors] The :nth-sibling combinator

[css3-text-layout] "design philosophy" or "basic idea" how vertical writing would work in CSS

[css3-text-layout] margin-before/after/start/end etc. and :ttb pseudo-classes

[css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.

[css3-text-layout] Towards better support of CJK user requirements (was New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc)

[css3-text-layout][svg] writing-mode values across CSS and SVG

[css3-transitions] Back-tracking transition-timing-function

[css3-transitions] Issues with starting transitions after inserting content

[css3-transitions][css3-animations] There is an animationstart event but no transitionstart

[CSS3] flex/box, grid, template, 'direction', 'block-flow', 'writing-mode'.

[cssom-view] addMediumListener / removeMediumListener

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-06-02

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-06-09

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-06-16

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2010-06-23

[flex-units] unit abbreviations and the flex()

another vertical text example

background shorthand serialization issues

Border-radius proposal

Box-shadow and simulating stacked layers

CSS 2.1 text-align:justify issue [CSS2.1] [css3-text]

CSS2.1 Test Suite Alpha 3 Published

CSS2.1 Test Suite Beta 1

CSS3 Syntax


Default stylesheet for HTML5 elements

Definition of Identifier?

example of vertical and horizontal layout of Japanese

examples of Latin text and numerals in Japanese text layout

Fixed table layout and how it affects ancestor widths

Flexbox Draft, with pictures!

flexible grid requirements

Haptics CSS extension proposal

is there any implementation of box-lines:multiple?

Issue 138 proposed text

Issue 158 proposed text

Logical property *values* (Re: [css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.)

min/max-height on cells and rows (was Re: [CSS21] Height of cell box should not be influenced by 'height')

Need information on clearance and margin-collapsing

Proposal for CSS 2.1 issue 153

proposal for gender attribute on spoken media

Proposed revision of CSS2.1 description of backslash escapes

Pseudo-selectors and @ declarations in style attributes?

Question on Flexbox balance implementation

rendering of border edges

Retaining margins after pages and column breaks

See if future CSS command available ?

Status of OT font features and CSS? (user question)


Last message date: Wednesday, 30 June 2010 20:37:49 UTC