Re: [CSS21] bidi, text-align, and list markers

On 2 June 2010 14:12, Alan Gresley <> wrote:
> I disagree to regarding the placement of the list marker. For Boris'
> example.
>    * 123 WERBEH
>    * latin latin
>    * latin latin
> To achieve this, an author can use a child element.
> <ul>
>  <li><span dir="rtl">HEBREW 123</span></li>
>  <li>latin latin</li>
>  <li>latin latin</li>
> </ul>

But wouldn't it be very counterintuitive to have <li dir=rtl> mean
something different than <li><span dir=rtl> ?

As an uninformed author (i.e., one that is not following this list
closely), I find it very surprising that I'll have to use a child
element when I can set the direction in the list item.

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 18:26:16 UTC