RE: [css3-text-layout] New editor's draft - margin-before/after/start/end etc.

So, have you started wondering maybe this is a cultural difference? Are we at some level of agreement?

I checked Wikipedia what the "culture" is.

Given this definition, given that you believe margins are interpreted against page orientation, and given that all Japanese I met in this 20 years believe margins are interpreted against flow, isn't this difference appropriate to be called "cultural difference"?

If you have some difficulty to believe "all Japanese I met..." part, you can check Word or OpenOffice. All word processors including these two flip paragraph margins (i.e., line spacing and left/right indents) when text flow is switched, while page margins are kept.

This is a repeat from the last mail but I also wish you to remind that even in Latin languages, margins could have different way of interpretation depends on the context. If it's used as a page margin, and paper orientation is switched from portrait to landscape, CSS has provided the way to change page margins by Media Queries:

so I assume it's not quite strange for CSS to change the margins if doing so matches to what a group of people think it's natural and required. And there are half billions of people in Asia who may use vertical text flow, which I think is big enough to call "a group".

In this case, since flow is not a document property, we can't resolve this issue by Media Queries though.

If we have at some level of agreement, do you think adding a property to switch this cultural difference appropriate? If you have better idea to resolve this issue, I would appreciate to hear.

Another possible solution I can think of is to use JavaScript to scan through the document and change margins and paddings except the margin of the body. This might work, possibly in reasonable short amount of time, but it'd be greater if we don't have to rely on JavaScript.

Koji Ishii

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 18:48:31 UTC