RE: [css-fonts] Is it possible to select a vertical variant in a font?

Ken, thank you again for your prompt and great reply.

I found most of OpenType features are listed there. Thank you again for the link.

Will you also please tell me how I can propose to add, say, "font-variant-vertical" property?

As you pointed out, vertical variant could be a little different from other OT features, as it is required to turn on automatically in vertical text flow. But in some rare cases, I would like to turn it on regardless of the current flow. Since it's one of the font features as you explained to me, "font-variant-*" looks the best place to add to me.

Do you think this is a reasonable request? Since I'm still very new to this ML, I would appreciate to know how I can make the discussion progress and propose the addition of this property.

Thank you for your help, and thank you for your continued support for me in advance.

Koji Ishii

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Lunde [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:38 PM
To: Ishii Koji
Cc: John Hudson; John Daggett;; David Lemon
Subject: Re: [css-fonts] Is it possible to select a vertical variant in a font?


Any vertical layout of CJK text requires vertical substitution to take place, so I would imagine that CSS3 would be the best vehicle for adding such support, given that support for other OpenType features is included. See:

Any CJK text that is set vertically, and without vertical substitution applied, is disfunctional. It is a requirement for most punctuation, some symbols, and for small kana, but I am sure that you already know this. :-)


-- Ken

On 2010/06/16, at 21:30, Ishii Koji wrote:

> Hi Ken, thank you for your kind response.
> I can't apply 'vert' GSUB feature in CSS though, can I? I understand how to do it in Win32 API. I understand it's doable by GSUB feature in TrueType. This time, I'm looking for the way to use that from HTML or CSS.
> Assuming there's no path to use the feature from CSS, do you think it's possible to consider for future additions to CSS font module?
> Regards,
> Koji Ishii
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ken Lunde [] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 1:02 PM
> To: Ishii Koji
> Cc: John Hudson; John Daggett;; David Lemon
> Subject: Re: [css-fonts] Is it possible to select a vertical variant in a font?
> Ishii-san,
> I think that you simply need to apply the 'vert' GSUB feature. If a glyph has a vertical variant, the substitution will take place. If not, such as for the standard (aka, not small) kana and kanji, then the glyphs will be passed through as-is. If you want to include the pre-rotated (rotated 90 degrees clockwise) Latin glyphs, then apply the 'vrt2' GSUB feature instead. See Table 7-12 (attached) from page 494 of "CJKV Information Processing" Second Edition, specifically the "90 degrees clockwise" and "As is" columns.
> Regards...
> -- Ken

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2010 05:01:54 UTC