w3c-wai-hc@w3.org from October to December 1997 by subject

"Ian B. Jacobs": Make summary attribute on TABLE requried?

"Ian B. Jacobs": Make summary attribute on TABLE requried? (fwd)

'summary' required? on TABLE

(Conditional) MUST for rendering

a TABLEs strawman

Accessibility in HTML 4.0

ACSS support for the rendering of tables

Additional style sheet attribute to add labeling to HTML elements

Agenda for 971106 [was: Teleconf 6 Nov? YES]

Al's LINK and META proposal

Alert: accessibility and HTML Q element

Alert: accessibility and HTML Q element (fwd)

ALT-attribute usage (fwd)

Attributes, Yes. (was print page number...)

Aural extensions


Braille and web orientation

Braille Formatting from HTML (fwd)

Braille media type

CSS 2: inserting text and markup into HTML documents

CSS 2: priorities in cascading order

CSS constraints

CSS draft update


Desc and Alt

Desc and Alt (fwd)

DESC and TABLE: descriptions for groups of elements

DESC discussion (-starter DRAFT)

Discrepancy between OPTION proposal and current DTD Draft

DRAFT of IG Review Instructions

example tables

example tables (Braille notes)

expanded SCOPE (vs. AXES) example

Experimentation with extensions, LINK and META

Extension of deadline 27->28Oct, request for precision [was: Issue 65: €]

FORM SELECT element accessibility

FWD: Objection to OPTION

General comments on style sheets and WAI FP work

Guidelines for EMBED element?

history re CSS and generated text

How CSS is critical for accessibility

how to deal with TABLE heartburn

HTML4 out!

in lieu of umbrella technical summary

Initial approach to the reading order issue

input from experience

ISSUE 52 (minor) (was: Re: Minutes 971023 HTML WG meeting)~

Jon Gunderson: HTML Specifications for Accessibility

Last Call: The mailto URL scheme to Proposed Standard (fwd)

launching the IG review

LINK and META extensions as prototyping technology

Making the CSS 2 specification itself more accessible

MAP details

MEDIA discussion (-starter DRAFT)

MEDIA note

Media type recognition by HTML user agents

media type(s) for braille

Media types

Media types (are qualifiers lost?)

meeting happenings

Minutes [was: Agenda for 971023 HTML WG meeting]

Minutes [was: Agenda for 971106]

more on TABLEs

Multipe Inheritance

new CSS2 internal draft

New CSS2 release

new internal draft of HTML 4.0

Normally hidden blocks.

Note on the Confidentiality of the W3C Member Web Space

OBJECT content will always show

OBJECT emulating MAP -- is this editorial?

OBJECT for phonetic (more)

off the air

operational concept for table browsing


OPTION (fwd)

ORDER discussion (-starter NOT; DRAFT)


overview of issues

phonetic markup

Please review Minutes of HTML WG ftf in Austin

Possible additional item for quick review

post-Austin HTML draft

Preformatted text in HTML

print page number /= current page number in Braille paginatio n.

print page number /= current page number in Braille pagination.

Proposal for HTML modifications

RDF and HTML tables?

Reading order issue


REF&META discussion (-starter DRAFT)

Regarding CSS.

Reserving link types for abbreviation and phonetic dictionaries

revised baseline

role of DOM vs. SPEAKROW

Satellite page is part of our baseline


SCOPE takes element type ... or ID?

SELECT proposal up on web

SELECT structures with lots of OPTIONs

SELECT structures with lots of OPTIONs (fwd)

SELECT/ OPTION GROUPS with the SIZE attribute

SELECT/ OPTION GROUPS with the SIZE attribute (fwd)

some details re: link Table to data dictionary requirement

status update

strawman HC position on Q tag

Style sheets and a pro-active approach to Formats and Protoco ls

Style sheets and a pro-active approach to Formats and Protocols

Summary of progress

Summary of progress (fwd)

survey of TABLE issues


TABLE discussion (-starter DRAFT)

Table formatting

Table formatting in CSS 2

Teleconf 6 Nov? [was: Minutes [was: Agenda for 971023 HTML WG meeting]]

Teleconf 6 Nov? YES

the "balloon help" gambit

TITLE attribute on Area

Title on Horizontal Rules

under-edited comments

Update on META and MEDIA

Updating guidelines in accordance with HTML 4.0 recommendation

variables revisited

WAI HC, IG accessibility review

WAI HC/HTML relationship [was: Minutes [was: Agenda for 971023 HTML WG meeting]]

WAI proposed enhancements

WAI status (Q issue)


Welcome Chris and Hakon

When, What and the audio desktop

XML accessibility

XML names are cool

XSL and document transformations for XML accessibility

Last message date: Sunday, 28 December 1997 22:18:19 UTC