RE: CSS 2: priorities in cascading order

Up on
<>  we have a couple of High
Contrast style sheets that can be downloaded.

A word of warning:  The initial version of IE 4.0 had a serious bug in the
CSS support - namely it faulted if there was bad CSS syntax.  That's not a
bad problem is you run "browser only."  But if you have the Active Desktop
enabled, it prevents the shell from booting.

This is corrected in the latest version, 4.01.
Charles Oppermann
Active Accessibility, Microsoft Corporation
"A computer on every desk and in every home, usable by everyone!"

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Chris Lilley []
	Sent:	Thursday, December 18, 1997 8:14 AM
	To:; Jason White;
	Subject:	Re: CSS 2: priorities in cascading order

	On Dec 17,  3:43pm, Daniel Dardailler wrote:

	> We could follow-up on that in PF but I sort of feel that the whole
	> issue of reader CSS is moot.
	> For one thing, we have yet to see a real system that provides the
	> reader with style setting using the same language as the author
	> (namely CSS in our case) and one could argue whether it's the best
	> metaphor for end-users.

	One could, but ... Um, IE 4.0 is not a "real system"? It lets you
	give the location on your disk of the reader stylesheet, which is
	in CSS. For example, I made a simple 'large print' reader stylesheet

	body { font-size: 48pt }

Received on Thursday, 18 December 1997 15:46:50 UTC