- From: Dan Connolly <connolly@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 00:00:15 -0600
- To: w3c-html-wg@w3.org, robert_pernett@lotus.com, w3c-wai-hc@w3.org
- CC: w3c-html-cg@w3.org
Dan Connolly wrote: > Dan Connolly wrote: > Minutes of W3C HTML WG > > WAI HC, IG accessibility review > > http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-wg/1997OctDec/0247.html > > ... some history of HTML WG/WAI WG In preparing a respons to some of the feedback on the WAI HC recommendations[1], it occurs to me that the relationship between the WAI HC WG and the HTML WG hasn't been recorded precisely. So, for the benefit of the folks that weren't on the call, I record the relationship and some of the history. [1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/group/HC/report.html Short version: The HTML 4.0 specification shall meet the requirements set forth by the WAI HTML4 & CSS2 Accessibility Review Working group. Details: Our charter states: ====== http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Group/charter#other-forums Web Accessability Initiative (WAI) The work of the W3C HTML WG should be coordinated with this project. ====== The charter has never been officially approved by the advisory committee, but that text was made available to the HTML WG (and to the entire membership) via the web 10-Mar-97, per the minutes of the Feb 97 WG meeting[2]. [2] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Group/9702/24-html-wg#charter The relationship was further discussed at our may[3] and august[4] meetings. While it's not clearly minuted, I think it was agreed: The WAI working groups establish requirements and propose solutions. The HTML working group reviews and refines the solutions, but any changes to the requirements must be re-negotiated with the WAI working groups. [3] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Group/9705/20-ftf [4] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Group/9708/ftf.html On 17 Sep 1997, a charter and call for participation[5] for the WAI HTML4 & CSS2 Accessibility Review Working group was sent to the W3C Advisory Committee. It was repeated in the W3C Newsletter[6]. [5] http://www.w3.org/WAI/group/HC/callhc.txt [6] http://www.w3.org/Member/Newsletter/970919.html#WAI Unfortunately, I neglected to review [5], which included: "... the HTML & CSS Working Groups are putting the final touches on the HTML 4.0 and CSS 2 specifications and hope to finalize their recommendation at meetings on November 11-13. " while our August meeting minutes[4] said "target for end of october." In his 6 Oct periodic report to the HTML coordination group[7], Daniel noted that the WAI HC was working toward a 22 Oct deadline for its HTML 4 recommendations in order for them to be discussed at our Nov meeting. [7] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/1997OctDec/0004.html I notified Daniel[8] and the conflict, and we agreed to try to work the WAI input in between 22Oct and the 31 Oct target[9]. [8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/1997OctDec/0024.html [9] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/1997OctDec/0044.html Al Gilman then delivered the WAI HC report[1]. So at last Thursday's HTML WG teleconference, with Judy Brewer and Al Gilman (and Dave Raggett) representing the WAI HC WG, the two groups refined the general agreement about requirements and solutions so that (1) the WAI HC report[1] represents the WAI requirements and proposed solutions, and any changes are to be confirmed by email from Judy brewer (2) the HTML 4 editors were instructed to incorporate the proposed solutions along with feedback provided from the HTML WG before the 31 Oct release. Any substantive changes to the proposed solutions are to be reviewd by the WAI HC (and confirmed by email from Judy Brewer) to be sure they stay within the WAI requirements. That's where we stand right now. The 31 Oct HTML 4 Proposed Recommendation milestone is very much at risk. As I said in earlier mail, I think it should slip at least a week. It's entirely possible that we'll use the Austin Meeting as the WAI newsletter article[6] described. Stay tuned. -- Dan Connolly, W3C HTML Working Group Chair http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/ phone://1/512/310-2971
Received on Monday, 27 October 1997 00:59:09 UTC