"Ian B. Jacobs": Make summary attribute on TABLE requried? (fwd)

Once upon a time Daniel Dardailler shaped the electrons to say...
>David Abrahamson (ISO) has asked the HTML WG to make
>the "summary" attribute on TABLE required, rather than
>option, obviously in the interest of accessibility.

I don't think this is a really good idea.  Some tables are VERY simple,
only a couple of cells which are self-explanatory.  I think authors would
resent being forced to summarize something obvious.

Summary is useful for large and/or complex tables - any table where
purpose or context is not clear.  But I don't feel it is appropriate for
ALL tables.

And tables WILL continue to be used for layout for quite some time -
especially in form layout.

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Received on Wednesday, 10 December 1997 17:52:20 UTC