RE: SELECT/ OPTION GROUPS with the SIZE attribute

Once upon a time Scott Isaacs shaped the electrons to say...
>1) nested value lists (my example from much earlier)

'value' can be used to differentiate values when sent to the server, as

>2) multi-columns
>3) rich HTML items

These are deliberately not handled.  This is not meant as an end all, be
all complete solution to all hierachical navigation everyone might ever
want to do.  It handles common cases, and does so in such a way that is
backwards compatible with the installed base.  We considered this of
prime importance.

Future development of a *new* element that has the kitchen sink is something
to consider after 4.0.  But we (the HC) do not agree that this implementation
interferes with the possibility of a new element in the future.  It may
be deprecated later, or it may be a viable alternative for those who wish
to maintain compatibility with older UAs for some time to come.  But it is
a workable solution *today* for 4.0, and we've found no valid counter 

>4) mult-select for hierarchy

I'm not clear on what what you mean here.  You can select multiple items...

>5) Individually checked items similar to a menu

Handling should be no different from 'multiple' in today's SELECT.

>6) Disabling of items or nested groups

Both OPTGROUP and OPTION have 'disabled' as an attribute.

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Received on Wednesday, 29 October 1997 23:18:04 UTC