Re: Teleconf 6 Nov? YES

Dan Connolly wrote:
> Let me know if you're interested in meeting by phone or not.
> (don't copy w3c-html-wg).
> If they ayes outnumber the nays by 2 to 1 and there are
> at least 4 ayes (and there's no logistical reason
> not to hold the meeting), I'll hold a teleconference.

Aye: Ian, John Burger, Robert Stevahn, Daniel Dardailler,
	Martin J. Dürst, Misha Wolf, Dave Raggett, Lauren Wood
Nay: none

So be it:


Conference Call 

The bi-weekly teleconference lasts for one hour and takes place
on alternate Thursdays at 9am pacific/12eastern/6pm france.
W3C provides teleconferencing facilities in the U.S. at +1
334-264-8326. (participant code is 960808; host code: 673375)
and in France at +33 (0)1 4957 4052. 

6 Nov 1997 
     next teleconference 

	HTML 4.0 proposed recommendation
	Nov meeting preparation

Dan Connolly, W3C HTML Working Group Chair
tel://1/512/310-2971 (office)

Received on Thursday, 30 October 1997 16:45:34 UTC