RE: CSS 2: inserting text and markup into HTML documents

Pawson, David writes:

 > Jason wrote:

 > > be possible to include a
 > > property that would permit the insertion by the style sheet of text
 > > fragments, including markup, into the document. 
 > Support TV's position. 
 > Text is one thing, but additional markup
 > starts to get very sticky.

I agree, it should be possible to add text, bot not markup.
Adding text is not fully described in the recently published CSS2
Working Draft [1]. However, you can find traces of our thinking on the
subject in one of the examples [2]:

    H3 {display: run-in}
    H3:after {content: ". "}
  <h3>A run-in heading</h3>
  <p>And a paragraph of text that
  follows it.
  which may be rendered as follows: 

  A run-in heading. And a
  paragraph of text that
  follows it.

The example adds the string ". " after the H3 element. Similarly, text
strings could be added before an element. Also, special style can be
attached to the generated string:

    H1:before { 
      content: "Chapter: ";
      color: red;
      font-size: 80%;

I would be interested in hearing from this group if this proposal
would help accessibility.

Also, I'd very much like to have feedback on another feature from
CSS2. Running header and footers are supported when printing from
common browsers, but these have up to now been unreachable from the
style sheet. The current draft changes that and allows content from
the document (e.g. all H1 elements) to be used in running headers and

I would think this could be a useful features e.g. when printing
braille to give some context on each printed sheet. Is this the case?




H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Thursday, 6 November 1997 09:06:21 UTC