RE: SELECT/ OPTION GROUPS with the SIZE attribute

MultiSelect in a hierarchy can be an accessibility issue in itself for
the user with a visual browser. In a list box, it is easy to move down a
list and quickly see that the selected items. In a hierarchical list,
they need to traverse the entire hierarchy of items to determine what
may or may not be selected.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	MegaZone []
> Sent:	Wednesday, October 29, 1997 8:11 PM
> To:;
> Subject:	RE: SELECT/ OPTION GROUPS with the SIZE attribute
> Once upon a time Scott Isaacs shaped the electrons to say...
> >1) nested value lists (my example from much earlier)
> 'value' can be used to differentiate values when sent to the server,
> as
> always.
> >2) multi-columns
> >3) rich HTML items
> These are deliberately not handled.  This is not meant as an end all,
> be
> all complete solution to all hierachical navigation everyone might
> ever
> want to do.  It handles common cases, and does so in such a way that
> is
> backwards compatible with the installed base.  We considered this of
> prime importance.
> Future development of a *new* element that has the kitchen sink is
> something
> to consider after 4.0.  But we (the HC) do not agree that this
> implementation
> interferes with the possibility of a new element in the future.  It
> may
> be deprecated later, or it may be a viable alternative for those who
> wish
> to maintain compatibility with older UAs for some time to come.  But
> it is
> a workable solution *today* for 4.0, and we've found no valid counter 
> argumentsu.
> >4) mult-select for hierarchy
> I'm not clear on what what you mean here.  You can select multiple
> items...
> >5) Individually checked items similar to a menu
> Handling should be no different from 'multiple' in today's SELECT.
> >6) Disabling of items or nested groups
> Both OPTGROUP and OPTION have 'disabled' as an attribute.
> -MZ
> --
> Livingston Enterprises - Chair, Department of Interstitial Affairs
> Phone: 800-458-9966 510-737-2100 FAX: 510-737-2110
> For support requests:
> <> 
> Snail mail: 4464 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588

Received on Thursday, 30 October 1997 12:20:54 UTC