Title on Horizontal Rules

How is this for late in the game.


That    TITLE be added to horizontal rule.

 Horizontal rules are used but their purpose is not always evident even to 
sighted users.  For people who cannot see the page layout, it can be even 
more obscure.  But the author put it there to signify something.
A TITLE  on the  HR would allow its function to be made known if it was not 
obvious.  For example,
"New Chapter", "Next Issue",  "Next Guideline",   "Next  Topic"

For people who can see,  pointing to the HR with a mouse could cause a 
tool-tip to pop up to show the meaning.

For people using text browsers the TITLE could appear on a line by itself 
or with some words along with it.     Eg   "Line indicating start of NEXT 

This could also be used to indicate the presence of a toolbar .  (can you 
have a horizontal rule with zero width).  People who are using screen 
readers find it much easier to interpret a group of side by side words or 
images that make up a toolbar if they know that is what to expect.



Received on Thursday, 23 October 1997 13:04:12 UTC