Re: CSS 2: priorities in cascading order

Al Gilman writes:

 > On the other hand, if we add !required and give the user
 > the edge in resolving !required conflicts we get something
 > like:
 >     user required
 >     author required
 >     author important
 >     user important
 >     author normal
 >     user normal
 >     browser default
 > Is that the new-keyword option, give or take?

Yes. A slight variation:

     user accessibility
     author important
     user important
     browser important
     author normal | author accessibility
     user normal
     browser default

There are three changes:

  - the browser can also have important declarations.
  - author's "accessibility" declarations are treated as normal, not
  - "accessibility" has replaced "required"

The last change was done since the UA can never guarantee any
renedering and "required" therefore gives the wrong associations.
Consider this example:

  BODY { font-family: helvetica !required }

Helvetica may not be available, but the content should still be


H   å   k   o   n      W   i   u   m       L   i   e
World     W      i     d     e       Web  Consortium

Received on Saturday, 20 December 1997 20:01:28 UTC