- From: Pawson, David <DPawson@rnib.org.uk>
- Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 09:49:19 +0100
- To: WAI HC Working Group <w3c-wai-hc@w3.org>
>Jason asking for consensus the reading order issue would best be addressed by style sheets? In particular, tree transformation properties, and possibly other mechanisms if necessary, should be added to CSS so as to enable the reading order of a document to be modified according to the nature of the output medium. Wholeheartedly. 'The way it is read' is a presentation issue. Hence rightly belongs in CSS. From: Dave Pawson. RNIB(UK) e-mail dpawson@rnib.org.uk
Received on Wednesday, 15 October 1997 04:47:15 UTC