"soundfield" panning mode is completely undefined
[Agenda] audio WG teleconference 25th April 2013
[Bug 17324] Empty interfaces serve no purpose
[Bug 17325] (ExceptionType): Undefined exception type
[Bug 17343] (AudioBufferSourceNodeState): AudioBufferSourceNode state semantics and transitions undefined
[Bug 17351] (addEventListener): AudioNode.addEventListener not defined
[Bug 17363] (BiquadFilterNode): BiquadFilterNode is underdefined
[Bug 17389] (OfflineAudioContext): Offline Audio Context
[Bug 17405] (DynamicLifetime): Dynamic Lifetime
[Bug 17793] AudioNode.disconnect() needs to be able to disconnect only one connection
[Bug 18332] Node creation method naming inconsistencies
[Bug 19561] WaveTable is poorly named
[Bug 19704] Acceptable range for value of AnalyserNode's fftSize
[Bug 20681] spatial coords should just be in metres
[Bug 20698] Need a way to determine AudioContext time of currently audible signal
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 7 May)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Monday, 29 April)
- Chris Rogers (Saturday, 27 April)
- rl baxter (Saturday, 27 April)
- Chris Rogers (Saturday, 27 April)
- Russell McClellan (Friday, 26 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Friday, 26 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 25 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 16 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 16 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 16 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 16 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 16 April)
[Bug 20698] Need way to determine "performance.now()" time of current audio output
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 11 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 11 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Wednesday, 10 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 9 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 9 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 9 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
[Bug 20728] make 'when' parameter of start() and stop() optional
[Bug 21240] Specify what should happen when passing invalid offset/duration values to AudioBufferSourceNode.start
[Bug 21248] AudioProcessingEvent.node must be removed
[Bug 21345] There should be notification when the destination output changed
[Bug 21451] Clarify the range of valid AnalyserNode.fftSize values
[Bug 21451] New: Clarify the range of valid AnalyserNode.fftSize values
[Bug 21511] New: Remove empty AudioSourceNode interface
[Bug 21511] Remove empty AudioSourceNode interface
[Bug 21512] New: Introduction: link "use cases" to the stable Use Cases document
[Bug 21513] Features list need updating to reflect current contents of spec
[Bug 21513] New: Features list need updating to reflect current contents of spec
[Bug 21514] API Overview is missing some interfaces
[Bug 21514] New: API Overview is missing some interfaces
[Bug 21515] New: Conformance section: need to note use of MUST that is "RFC-legal" as opposed to common English usage
[Bug 21516] New: Remove "Terminology and Algorithms" section
[Bug 21516] Remove "Terminology and Algorithms" section
[Bug 21517] New: Remove AudioContext constructor code example
[Bug 21517] Remove AudioContext constructor code example
[Bug 21518] Deprecate AudioContext.createBuffer
[Bug 21518] New: Deprecate AudioContext.createBuffer
[Bug 21519] New: decodeAudioData: optional 4th argument
[Bug 21520] decodeAudioData Prose: avoid video containers that have an audio track
[Bug 21520] New: decodeAudioData Prose: avoid video containers that have an audio track
[Bug 21521] New: Specify all exception types
[Bug 21521] Specify all exception types
[Bug 21523] Make AudioContext and AudioNode Lifetime sections informative
[Bug 21523] New: Make AudioContext and AudioNode Lifetime sections informative
[Bug 21525] AudioDestinationNode does not always talk to audio hardware
[Bug 21525] New: AudioDestinationNode does not always talk to audio hardware
[Bug 21526] New: Remove sentence: "The decodeAudioData() method is preferred over the createBuffer()"
[Bug 21527] New: Add normative reference to XHR spec
[Bug 21528] New: Modifying the ArrayBuffer passed to decodeAudioData
[Bug 21529] New: OfflineAudioContext should be event target
[Bug 21529] OfflineAudioContext should be event target
[Bug 21530] New: how do multiple offline/online contexts interact
[Bug 21531] Allow Shared audio buffers between contexts
[Bug 21531] New: Allow Shared audio buffers between contexts
[Bug 21532] New: OfflineAudioContext renders as quickly as possible (not real time)
[Bug 21533] New: Proposed: recorderNode
[Bug 21534] AudioNode Interface - text for Fan-In is out of date
[Bug 21534] New: AudioNode Interface - text for Fan-In is out of date
[Bug 21535] New: AudioNode - block size limits
[Bug 21537] New: AudioNode Attributes - remove mention of AudioSourceNode
[Bug 21538] New: Add detail of connecting audio node to non audio node
[Bug 21539] New: Define the behaviour when disconnect called on an audio node connected to an audio param
[Bug 21540] Channel count missing in IDL for AudioNode
[Bug 21540] New: Channel count missing in IDL for AudioNode
[Bug 21541] Move information on multi channel to audio node definition
[Bug 21541] New: Move information on multi channel to audio node definition
[Bug 21542] New: Review 32 channel limitation on scriptProcessor, buffer and destination node
[Bug 21543] New: Specify how DelayNode deals with changes of inputs and buffers while live.
[Bug 21544] New: Specify channel count for each node
[Bug 21544] Specify channel count for each node
[Bug 21545] AudioParam - min/maxValue, intrinsic value, computedValue
[Bug 21545] New: AudioParam - min/maxValue, intrinsic value, computedValue
[Bug 21546] New: Clarify "dezippering" for AudioParam
[Bug 21547] AudioParam - add explanation of a/k rate to cross reference in node definition
[Bug 21547] New: AudioParam - add explanation of a/k rate to cross reference in node definition
[Bug 21548] New: Record all documentation that is considered developer documentation
[Bug 21549] New: AudioProcessingEvent - remove node attribute
[Bug 21550] New: PannerNode - include informative note on HRTF, point to reference/open examples
- Marcus Geelnard (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Marcus Geelnard (Thursday, 18 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 18 April)
- Chris Pike (Thursday, 18 April)
- Marcus Geelnard (Thursday, 18 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Chris Pike (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 4 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 4 April)
- Chris Lowis (Thursday, 4 April)
- Olivier Thereaux (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 3 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Wednesday, 3 April)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Tuesday, 2 April)
[Bug 21550] PannerNode - include informative note on HRTF, point to reference/open examples
[Bug 21551] New: PannerNode - add information on why the panner is hard coded to 2 channel only
[Bug 21562] New: BiquadFilterNode - Missing default values
[Bug 21580] New: Fix GainNode constructor example in "Modular Routing" section
[Bug 21592] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate should be specified as k-rate and not a-rate
[Bug 21593] AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.
[Bug 21593] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.
[Bug 21594] AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.
[Bug 21594] New: AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate valid range should be specified.
[Bug 21596] New: Spec what happens if a AudioBufferSourceNode is connected to two distinct PannerNodes
[Bug 21629] Make AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate read-only
[Bug 21629] New: Make AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackRate read-only
[Bug 21702] Make the usage of content sniffing for decodeAudioData explicit
[Bug 21702] New: Make the usage of content sniffing for decodeAudioData explicit
[Bug 21706] New: Neuter the outputBuffer argument to AudioProcessingEvent after the event has been dispatched
[Bug 21777] New: Specify that audioprocess events should only be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're connected to an output node
[Bug 21777] Specify that audioprocess events should be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're not connected to an output node
[Bug 21777] Specify that audioprocess events should only be dispatched to ScriptProcessorNodes when they're connected to an output node
[Bug 21856] New: BiquadFilterNode.detune is not specified at all
[Bug 21857] New: BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse is under-specified
[Bug 21862] [AudioContext]: 'activeSourceCount' should return number of all active Source nodes
[Bug 21862] New: [AudioContext]: 'activeSourceCount' should return number of all active Source nodes
[Bug 21980] New: WaveTable is highly underspecified
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 13 May)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 13 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Saturday, 11 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Saturday, 11 May)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Saturday, 11 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Friday, 10 May)
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 10 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Friday, 10 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 9 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Thursday, 9 May)
- Russell McClellan (Thursday, 9 May)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Thursday, 9 May)
- Russell McClellan (Thursday, 9 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 9 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 9 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Thursday, 9 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 9 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Thursday, 9 May)
- bugzilla@jessica.w3.org (Thursday, 9 May)
[Bug 22067] New: PATCH: Add ids to IDL code markup
[Bug 22067] PATCH: Add ids to IDL code markup
[Bug 22155] Audio spec still refers to sound-field.
[Bug 22155] New: Audio spec still refers to sound-field.
[Bug 22179] New: The default values for OscillatorNode AudioParam members are not specified
[Bug 22287] New: defaults for OscillatorNode
[Heads-Up] Next teleconference, 9th May
[MIDI] bump: Issue 1: MIDIEvent lacking constructor
[Minutes] Audio face-to-face meeting, 26/27 March 2013
[Minutes] Audio WG teleconference, 2013-06-20
[Minutes] W3C Audio Teleconference, 2013-04-25
Agenda for teleconference 20th June 2013
Allow the doppler shift from a PannerNode to be applied to any source and not just AudioBufferSourceNode
AnalyserNode attributes now specified a bit more
Analyzer vs Analyser
Audio EQ Cookbook in the W3C Web Audio API Spec
Audio Level Standardization (Was Re: DynamicsCompressorNode)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 14 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 14 June)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 14 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Friday, 14 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 6 June)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 6 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 6 June)
- David Evans (Friday, 31 May)
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 31 May)
- Kevin Gadd (Friday, 31 May)
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 31 May)
- Olivier Thereaux (Friday, 31 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Saturday, 11 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 9 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 9 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 15 April)
AudioContext.createBuffer to create a buffer of size 0
AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime() does not work as intended
Call-for-agenda: Audio WG teleconference 23rd May 2013
Can AudioNode.channelCount be zero?
Can users determine if audio has glitched?
- John Byrd (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Russell McClellan (Tuesday, 11 June)
- lonce (Tuesday, 11 June)
- John Byrd (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 10 June)
- John Byrd (Monday, 10 June)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 10 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 10 June)
- John Byrd (Monday, 10 June)
- Russell McClellan (Monday, 10 June)
Clarifying the accepted arguments to the constructor of OfflineAudioContext
Consensus on the issue of deprecated APIs and sync decoding
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 28 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 28 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Friday, 28 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 24 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 21 June)
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 21 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 21 June)
- Joe Berkovitz (Friday, 21 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 20 June)
Constructors (was: Sites using webkitAudioContext only)
Cross-browser Web Audio high concept
Discrepancy in the definition of calculateNormalizationScale
Documentation for the Web Audio API
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 3 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Friday, 3 May)
- Jean-Marc Valin (Friday, 3 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 2 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Thursday, 2 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Thursday, 2 May)
- Jean-Marc Valin (Thursday, 2 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Thursday, 2 May)
- Jean-Marc Valin (Thursday, 2 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Thursday, 2 May)
- Jean-Marc Valin (Thursday, 2 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Thursday, 2 May)
- Jean-Marc Valin (Thursday, 2 May)
FFT & IFFT with the Web Audio API
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 21 June)
- Jens Nockert (Thursday, 20 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Jens Nockert (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Kaustubh Joshi (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Monday, 17 June)
- Russell McClellan (Monday, 17 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Monday, 17 June)
- Kaustubh Joshi (Monday, 17 June)
- Michael Weitnauer (Monday, 17 June)
Fwd: Serialization/introspection of the node graph
Fwd: WaveShaperNode.curve
GainNode with gain > 1
Handling out of range integer values
Heads-up: audio WG teleconference 25th April 2013
How to play back synthesized 22kHz audio in a glitch-free manner?
- Joseph Berkovitz (Wednesday, 26 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Wednesday, 26 June)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Jukka Jylänki (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Jer Noble (Tuesday, 18 June)
- John Byrd (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 18 June)
- John Byrd (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Jer Noble (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Joe Berkovitz (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Monday, 17 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Monday, 17 June)
- Joe Berkovitz (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Jukka Jylänki (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Jukka Jylänki (Monday, 17 June)
- Jukka Jylänki (Monday, 17 June)
HTML WG thread on "background" audio in browser
Interpolation on WaveShaperNode?
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 15 May)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 15 May)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 15 May)
- rbj@audioimagination.com (Tuesday, 14 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 13 May)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 13 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 13 May)
- robert bristow-johnson (Saturday, 6 April)
- Chris Rogers (Saturday, 6 April)
- robert bristow-johnson (Friday, 5 April)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 4 April)
- Russell McClellan (Thursday, 4 April)
Job positions at Ircam, Javascript / Web Audio API
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode when there's more than one audio track
MIDI discussions on github
Moving the test suite to web-platform-tests
New browser engines - what does that mean for our work on web audio / web midi
Next face to face meeting / show of hands for TPAC in Shenzen
Next publications / last call / updating our estimate milestones
Next teleconference - July 4th or 11th?
Nominal values (Was: GainNode with gain > 1)
Notes and minutes from teleconference 23/5/13
Offline rendering and large graphs
OfflineAudioContext specification gaps
Oscillator node phase
Oscillator syncing
Passing negative values to AudioParam.exponentialRampToValueAtTime
Proposal for fixing race conditions
- Jer Noble (Friday, 28 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 28 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Friday, 28 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 28 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 28 June)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Friday, 28 June)
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 28 June)
- Mark S. Miller (Thursday, 27 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 27 June)
- David Herman (Thursday, 27 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Wednesday, 26 June)
- Jer Noble (Wednesday, 26 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 25 June)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 24 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 24 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 21 June)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Friday, 21 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 21 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 21 June)
Reconciling ConvolverNode's output channel dependencies with the mixing rules in the spec
- Chris Rogers (Saturday, 18 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Saturday, 18 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Saturday, 18 May)
- Chris Rogers (Saturday, 18 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Saturday, 18 May)
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 17 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Friday, 17 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 16 May)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 16 May)
Reminder: Audio WG teleconference tomorrow
Reminder: Audio WG teleconference tomorrow (Thursday)
Removal of AudioContext.activeSourceCount
Schedule arbitrary callback at future time
ScriptProcessorNode bufferSize should be optional
ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode should be explicit by default
ScriptProcessorNodes and WebWorkers
Serialization/introspection of the node graph
Shipping Web Audio support in Firefox
Sites using webkitAudioContext only
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 21 June)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 21 June)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 21 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 21 June)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Friday, 21 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 21 June)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Friday, 21 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Rogers (Thursday, 20 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 20 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 20 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 20 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Ralph Giles (Thursday, 20 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Chris Wilson (Thursday, 20 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Marcus Geelnard (Wednesday, 19 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Doug Schepers (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 18 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Chris Wilson (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Chris Wilson (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Chris Wilson (Monday, 17 June)
- Chris Wilson (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 17 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 17 June)
- Chris Wilson (Saturday, 15 June)
- Kevin Gadd (Friday, 14 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Friday, 14 June)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 14 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 14 June)
- Chris Rogers (Friday, 14 June)
- Chris Wilson (Friday, 14 June)
- Chris Lowis (Thursday, 13 June)
- Jer Noble (Thursday, 13 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 13 June)
- Doug Schepers (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Wilson (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Wilson (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Marcos Caceres (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Wilson (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Wilson (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Alex Russell (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Jer Noble (Wednesday, 12 June)
- Chris Wilson (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 11 June)
- Chris Wilson (Monday, 10 June)
- Chris Lowis (Monday, 10 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Monday, 10 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 10 June)
- Olivier Thereaux (Monday, 10 June)
- Robert O'Callahan (Monday, 10 June)
Some general feedback on the Web Audio API spec and suggestions for improvements
stability of AudioBufferSourceNode.playbackState, and activeSourceCount
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Thursday, 9 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 9 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Wednesday, 8 May)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Tuesday, 7 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Tuesday, 7 May)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 7 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 7 May)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Patrick Borgeat (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Stuart Memo (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Joseph Berkovitz (Monday, 15 April)
- Stuart Memo (Monday, 15 April)
Starting to experiment with testing audio processing in the spec
Synchronizing audio with other events ...
Teleconference 6th June - details and call for agenda?
Testing the Web Audio API
The DynamicsCompressorNode reduction value
The output of ConvolverNode in the absence of a convolution buffer
Tutorial on porting code using webkitAudioContext to the current AudioContext spec
Use of both numbered constants and strings
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Simon Pieters (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 23 April)
- Olivier Thereaux (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Chris Rogers (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Simon Pieters (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Marcus Geelnard (Wednesday, 17 April)
- Chris Rogers (Tuesday, 16 April)
- Simon Pieters (Monday, 15 April)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Friday, 17 May)
- Kumar (Friday, 17 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Friday, 17 May)
- Robert O'Callahan (Thursday, 16 May)
- Frederick Umminger (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Thursday, 16 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Thursday, 16 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Tuesday, 14 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Tuesday, 14 May)
- Robert O'Callahan (Tuesday, 14 May)
- Srikumar Karaikudi Subramanian (Tuesday, 14 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 13 May)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 13 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Monday, 13 May)
- Chris Rogers (Monday, 13 May)
- Robert O'Callahan (Sunday, 12 May)
- Ehsan Akhgari (Sunday, 12 May)
WaveShaperNode.curve issues
WaveShaperNode.oversample clarification
Web Audio API uses British spelling
WebMIDI API feedback
Last message date: Friday, 28 June 2013 15:33:10 UTC