This is an area where the Web platform may differ from expectations you've
built up working on other platforms.
My experience with other Web APIs is that many (but not all) authors and
users are more concerned about consistency across implementations and
across time than whether one implementation "looks better" than other. So
we'll make a change that we think improves aesthetics and some (but not
all) authors/users will raise hell because we "broke their site". Or we'll
implement something differently from other browsers and authors/users will
complain that we're "not doing it right". And of course 10% of
authors/users being vocally angry and the rest being quietly satisfied with
a small improvement is actually a loss for us. I prefer to avoid getting
into those situations if we can. And generally, if author requirements
force browsers to behave a certain way, that should be written into the
If it's an issue where everyone will agree whether one implementation is
better than another, this is less of a problem, but Chris' answers suggest
that is not the case for HRTF.
(I mean Chris Rogers. Why is everyone called Chris? It's driving me mad!)
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