from January to March 2011 by subject

2nd Last Call Working Draft Transition announcement of the Ontology for Media Resource 1.0

[admin] TPAC2011 Oct 31-Nov 4 in Santa Clara

[Bug 10000] Allow expressions in addition to keyPaths when creating indexes

[Bug 10381] [IndexedDB] Structured clones should be created synchronously

[Bug 10585] Need an error to indicate that the user disallowed access

[Bug 10624] [Selection] Selection anchorNode/anchorOffset/focusNode/focusOffset do not match existing browser behaviour

[Bug 10691] [Selection] Specify extend method for Selection objects

[Bug 11097] [IndexedDB] Behavior of .close() is not completely specified

[Bug 11164] There is no way to get from an error event to other objectStores

[Bug 11257] Should IDBCursor.update be able to create a new entry?

[Bug 11269] Evaluating keyPaths needs to be better specified

[Bug 11348] [IndexedDB] Overhaul of the event model

[Bug 11348] New: [IndexedDB] Overhaul of the event model

[Bug 11351] [IndexedDB] Should we have a maximum key size (or something like that)?

[Bug 11351] New: [IndexedDB] Should we have a maximum key size (or something like that)?

[Bug 11375] [IndexedDB] Error codes need to be assigned new numbers

[Bug 11376] IDBObjectStore.put's DATA_ERR description needs clarification

[Bug 11385] Bring the sync APIs back in sync with the async ones

[Bug 11394] We should throw if continue() is called with a key <= the current position

[Bug 11396] Add a callback to IDBDatabaseSync.transaction

[Bug 11398] [IndexedDB] Methods that take multiple optional parameters should instead take an options object

[Bug 11398] New: [IndexedDB] Methods that take multiple optional parameters should instead take an options object

[Bug 11419] Local Storage Data Not Retained Between Sessions When Running Browser Locally

[Bug 11425] [IndexedDB] Transaction timeout parameter should probably be a double

[Bug 11439] Extend ProgressEvent with position and totalSize attributes

[Bug 11483] What should selectionStart/End return when there is no selection and no cursor? e.g. display:none

[Bug 11528] We should add some form of dynamic transaction to IndexedDB

[Bug 11552] We should remove timeout from IndexedDB.

[Bug 11553] Ensure indexedDBSync is on the right worker interface

[Bug 11564] Remove all references to manually populated indexes

[Bug 11567] IndexedDB should utilize the new WebIDL static feature

[Bug 11570] Can't find the posibility for user authentication by connecting to a websocket! Missing?

[Bug 11581] Is there really need to drop http compability ? This will cause lot of troubles in some http-servers and browsers. This will force developers to use ugly hacks like flash/java based implementations. Is there any reason, wht not to create real robust http-

[Bug 11589] It is said that "Values can be any data type supported by the structured clone algorithm", but the algorithm is not described. In fact is it deeply buried in the HTML5 specification, open to fuzzy interpretations. Values are a fundamental part of any data

[Bug 11606] wanted: awareness of non-persistent web storage

[Bug 11615] save text from an editor in a file system

[Bug 11630] is. That's more important than the solution, in fact.

[Bug 11630] New: is. That's more important than the solution, in fact.

[Bug 11656] New: niceECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScrip

[Bug 11656] niceECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScript ECMAScrip

[Bug 11665] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 11665] Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 11669] New: Section: "Parsing an event stream" It looks like their is a mistake in this ABNF description, "end-of-line" is repeated: stream = [ bom ] *event event = *( comment / field ) end-of-line comment = colon *any-char end-of-line field

[Bug 11669] Section: "Parsing an event stream" It looks like their is a mistake in this ABNF description, "end-of-line" is repeated: stream = [ bom ] *event event = *( comment / field ) end-of-line comment = colon *any-char end-of-line field

[Bug 11673] Streaming audio data from a microphone over a WebSocket

[Bug 11730] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 11730] Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 11740] New: vbvbcb dcbd fhfdh h hfgh fg h fgh hfg hfghfg hf

[Bug 11740] vbvbcb dcbd fhfdh h hfgh fg h fgh hfg hfghfg hf

[Bug 11743] New: salut je teste les websocket 123

[Bug 11743] salut je teste les websocket 123

[Bug 11747] New: openCursor's text contradicts itself

[Bug 11747] openCursor's text contradicts itself

[Bug 11769] I have just implemented a 'javascript sandbox' using iframes and postMessage, exactly as intended by the specification. Thank you! It works beautifully! Safe XSS at last! Of course, now the next problem comes into view: I have all these IFrames/Objects wi

[Bug 11769] New: I have just implemented a 'javascript sandbox' using iframes and postMessage, exactly as intended by the specification. Thank you! It works beautifully! Safe XSS at last! Of course, now the next problem comes into view: I have all these IFrames/Objects wi

[Bug 11770] New: test tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){}, function(tx, error){}); tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){}, function(tx, error){}); tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){},

[Bug 11770] New: test tx.executeSql...

[Bug 11770] test tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){}, function(tx, error){}); tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){}, function(tx, error){}); tx.executeSql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ToDo", [], function(result){},

[Bug 11799] New: trtrt ef zrf sdf sdfsd fs gdfg dfg fdg dfg ffdgdf df gfdg dfg

[Bug 11799] trtrt ef zrf sdf sdfsd fs gdfg dfg fdg dfg ffdgdf df gfdg dfg

[Bug 11800] New: trtrt ef zrf sdf sdfsd fs gdfg dfg fdg dfg ffdgdf df gfdg dfg

[Bug 11800] trtrt ef zrf sdf sdfsd fs gdfg dfg fdg dfg ffdgdf df gfdg dfg

[Bug 11818] As documented in the "Creating workers" section, a worker *must* be an external script. This prevents developing or deploying code that uses Web Workers as a single page app, which is often quite handy. Could this restriction be lifted?

[Bug 11818] New: As documented in the "Creating workers" section, a worker *must* be an external script. This prevents developing or deploying code that uses Web Workers as a single page app, which is often quite handy. Could this restriction be lifted?

[Bug 11827] [Workers] "connect" event interface type not defined

[Bug 11827] New: [Workers] "connect" event interface type not defined

[Bug 11834] New: API for send/receive of binary data? Current IETF protocol drafts have binary type. Consider typed arrays (ArrayBuffer).

[Bug 11835] New: Please do *not* require a same-origin restriction in user agents (as currently specified under "Security Considerations")! This cross-origin data leakage security issues have already been addressed by the CORS specification (

[Bug 11836] New: Don't specify the transport, just specify API and protocol

[Bug 11847] hich you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're trying to solve is. That's more imp

[Bug 11847] New: hich you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're trying to solve is. That's more imp

[Bug 11908] New: testg wefe fwefwe fweefw few fefeefw ef

[Bug 11908] testg wefe fwefwe fweefw few fefeefw ef

[Bug 11911] fully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really importa

[Bug 11911] New: fully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really importa

[Bug 11914] .objectStore should be added to IDBIndex and .source to IDBCursor

[Bug 11914] New: .objectStore should be added to IDBIndex and .source to IDBCursor

[Bug 11918] New: ola snjsy a sasdsadv aaxcv

[Bug 11918] ola snjsy a sasdsadv aaxcv

[Bug 11919] aadsasdasdasdasdsadadasdad df df afdsfdsf asfadasd

[Bug 11919] New: aadsasdasdasdasdsadadasdad df df afdsfdsf asfadasd

[Bug 11947] [IndexedDB] Updating object stores with auto increment

[Bug 11947] New: [IndexedDB] Updating object stores with auto increment

[Bug 11948] index.openCursor's cursor should have a way to access the index's "value" (in addition to the index's key and objectStore's value)

[Bug 11948] New: index.openCursor's cursor should have a way to access the index's "value" (in addition to the index's key and objectStore's value)

[Bug 11965] New: tengo una duda respecto al uso de los webSockets

[Bug 11965] tengo una duda respecto al uso de los webSockets

[Bug 11966] New: Catrope's feedback

[Bug 11976] Autoincrement keys need to be cleaned up some in the spec

[Bug 11976] New: Autoincrement keys need to be cleaned up some in the spec

[Bug 11978] New: Section: Abstract Problem: "this specification defines two mecahism for..." should read "mechanisms".

[Bug 11978] Section: Abstract Problem: "this specification defines two mecahism for..." should read "mechanisms".

[Bug 11987] cation changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage should join the aforementioned mailing lists and take part in the discussions.

[Bug 11987] New: cation changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this specification before it eventually reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage should join the aforementioned mailing lists and take part in the discussions.

[Bug 12016] After page unload, all IDBDatabases attached to the document should have .close() called on them

[Bug 12016] New: After page unload, all IDBDatabases attached to the document should have .close() called on them

[Bug 12027] &#21621;&#21621;&#21621; as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback hard

[Bug 12027] New: &#21621;&#21621;&#21621; as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback hard

[Bug 12032] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>zzz</title> <script src="modernizr.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function supports_canvas() { return !!document.createElement('canvas').getCantext; } </script> </body> </html>

[Bug 12032] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>zzz</title> <script src="modernizr.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function supports_canvas() { return !!document.createElement('canvas').getCantext; } </script> </body> </html>

[Bug 12067] New: Improve error handling in workers

[Bug 12090] New: WEB STORAGE It would be nice to have one Storage object that you could place wherever you want. You could simply set a parameter "local" or define it as "shared" and set path to the server (e.g. "http://www.mysite/shared_storage"). Cheers, Cam camoken@gm

[Bug 12092] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 12092] Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 12102] New: WebSocket protocol update time

[Bug 12111] New: spec for Storage object getItem(key) method does not match implementation behavior

[Bug 12114] Blocked setVersion transactions should be aborted when their database is closed

[Bug 12114] New: Blocked setVersion transactions should be aborted when their database is closed

[Bug 12118] New: tyutyuty dgdg ddfg ddf dgf d

[Bug 12118] tyutyuty dgdg ddfg ddf dgf d

[Bug 12124] jhjhju fsd fdsf sdfdsfsdfsdf sdf sdf sdf sd sdfdsfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdf

[Bug 12124] New: jhjhju fsd fdsf sdfdsfsdfsdf sdf sdf sdf sd sdfdsfdsf sdf dsfdsf sdf

[Bug 12179] New: We should spec the order in which version change events fire

[Bug 12180] give the name of url to download the Jetty server

[Bug 12180] New: give the name of url to download the Jetty server

[Bug 12190] I think this will become useless because it need server to run. is selling the server. Unless there is an open source server where people can use. Then it will become popular.

[Bug 12190] New: I think this will become useless because it need server to run. is selling the server. Unless there is an open source server where people can use. Then it will become popular.

[Bug 12202] <html> <head> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="img/icons/iphone_icon.png"/> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' media='screen' /> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=

[Bug 12202] New: <html> <head> <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="img/icons/iphone_icon.png"/> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' media='screen' /> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href=

[Bug 12206] New: Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 12206] Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what the problem you're t

[Bug 12229] New: When a IDBKeyRange.bound's lower param is greater than the upper one, we probably should throw some exception

[Bug 12229] When a IDBKeyRange.bound's lower param is greater than the upper one, we probably should throw some exception

[Bug 12233] New: We should add a method to compare two IndxedDB keys

[Bug 12233] We should add a method to compare two IndxedDB keys

[Bug 12234] New: [IndexedDB] Integrate with the HTML5 event loop

[Bug 12261] New: Update cursor API

[Bug 12261] Update cursor API

[Bug 12272] New: Improve section on DNS spoofing attacks to address user attacks

[Bug 12310] New: We should add IDBCursor.advance(number of items to move forward)

[Bug 12321] New: Add compound keys to IndexedDB

[Bug 12340] New: It is not clear which worker to use when using nameless SharedWorker

[Bug 12366] IDBSuccessEvent is not defined anywhere, yet it is used (remove it)

[Bug 12366] New: IDBCuccessEvent is not defined anywhere, yet it is used

[Bug 9796] IndexedDB's async interface should be available within workers

[Bug 9832] keyPath is underspecified

[chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

[Desktop-extensions-team] Proposal for a page visibility API


[DOMCore] Added Events

[DOMCore] Element.childElementCount

[DOMCore] fire and dispatch

[DOMCore] Ms2ger is co-editor

[DOMCore] Please use www-dom

[DOMCore] Rename to "DOM Core"?

[DOMCore] takeChildNodes() method

[eventsource] Connection close on EventSource collection

[eventsource] Event names

[eventsource] Moving Server-sent Events spec back to Last Call

[File API: Directories and System] callbacks or events

[FileAPI: Directories and System] Some comments

[FileAPI] FileError and FileException should be available in workers

[FileAPI] FileReader.abort() fires both error and abort

[FileAPI] readAsDataURL()

[FileAPI] Result of calling MultipleReads on FileReader

[FileAPI] Why is FileList a sequence?

[FileSystem]: URI format, uses

[FYI] W3C Workshop: Identity in the Browser; Position Paper deadline 22 April

[IndexedDB] Any particular reason built-in properties are not indexable?

[IndexedDB] Auto increment and spec inconsistency

[IndexedDB] Compound and multiple keys

[IndexedDB] Design Flaws: Not Stateless, Not Treating Objects As Opaque

[IndexedDB] Enabling multiple values in a single index to correspond to a single ObjectStore entry

[IndexedDB] Events and requests

[IndexedDB] More questions about IDBRequests always firing (WAS: Reason for aborting transactions)

[IndexedDB] Reason for aborting transactions

[IndexedDB] setVersion blocked on uncollected garbage IDBDatabases

[IndexedDB] Spec changes for international language support

[IndexedDB] success/error events

[IndexedDB] Two Real World Use-Cases

[IndexedDB] What should be allowed as a key path?

[IndexedDB] Why rely on run-to-completion?

[postmsg] Is HTML5 Web Messaging ready for Last Call Working Draft?

[public-webapps] SearchBox API

[Web Storage] A couple questions about the storage spec

[Web Workers] Bug filed and general question

[webkit-dev] SearchBox API

[WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

[webstorage] Moving Web Storage back to Last Call WD

[whatwg] Intent of the FileSystem API

[whatwg] set input.value when input element has composition string

[widget] Fixed some tests in Widget Interface test suite

[widget] proposal to add defaultlocale attribute to widget element (P&C Spec), I18N ACTION-18

[widgets] CfC: publish Last Call Working Draft of Widget P&C; deadline March 15

[widgets] New draft of P&C

[widgets] New version of P&C Ready for pub

[widgets] New Widget Update Types: Kill Switch and Patch

[widgets] Questions regarding to "Test Suite for the XML Digital Signatures For Widgets Specification "

[widgets] Removed LocalizableString interface from Widgets API

[widgets] W3C Widgets Digital Signatures implementer feedback

[widgets] Widget Updates tests?

[workers] Moving the Web Workers spec back to Last Call WD

[Workers] NavigatorOnLine

[workers], [eventsource] Re: several messages

[XHR2] ArrayBuffer support added

[XHR2] content type of blobs passed to send()

[XHR2] Feedback on sec-* headers

[XHR2] final progress events

[XHR2] FormData for <form>

[XHR2] load events on XMHttpRequestUpload

[XHR2] Readability of Async/Sync in

[XHR2] timeout

[XHR] open method extension for TLS authentication

[XHR] Use of the term 'MIME type'

Alternative to mutex for race conditions in localStorage

An HTML5 logo

API for matrix manipulation

Binary data in WebSockets API (was RE: [Bug 12102] New: WebSocket protocol update time)

Breaking up the widget specs? Re: [widgets] Removed LocalizableString interface from Widgets API

bug in example in step 6 of media type algorithm in WD-widgets-20110322 ?

Bug reports from

Can we remove forminput and formchange events and related dispatch methods?

CfC: new WD of Clipboard API and Events; deadline April 5

CfC: publish a new Working Draft of DOM Core; comment deadline March 2

CfC: publish Last Call Working Draft of HTML5 Web Messaging; deadline March 14

CfC: publish Last Call Working Draft of Progress Events spec; deadline March 7

CfC: publish Last Call Working draft of Server-sent Events; deadline March 7

CfC: publish Last Call Working Draft of Web Workers; deadline March 7

CfC: publish new WDs of Sever-sent Events, Workers and Storage

CfC: to publish WG Note of HTTP Caching and Serving spec; deadline March 20

CfC: to stop work on Programmable HTTP Caching and Serving spec; deadline March 10

clarification on 9.1.3

clipboard data types registry?

clipboard events

clipboard events - tests and outstanding issues

clipboard events feedback

clipboard events spec and HTML5 spec - divide and conquer, but where?

Component Model is not an Isolation Model

Component Model Should Use DOM Object Inheritance

Cross-Origin Resource Embedding Restrictions

drop directories/folders

ES I18N participation (was: Re: Minor comments on Widgets)

File API and Directory API feedback

file-system-api: filename restrictions

FileAPI use case: making an image downloading app

FormData questions

Fullscreen API

Fwd: Moving XBL et al. forward

How many ways to save store app data?

Indexed Database API

IndexedDB: updates through cursors on indexes that change the key

Last Call for Navigation Timing API

Limited DOM in Web Workers

LocalStorage inside Worker

Mail List Etiquette [Was: WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?]

minor comment about file extensions

Minor comments on Widgets

Mouse Capture for Canvas

Moving XBL et al. forward

Offline Web Applications status

Overview of W3C technologies for mobile Web applications review request, deadline 6 Jan

progress events in sync XHR not entirely ruled out

Proposal for a page visibility API

Proposal: Navigation of JSON documents with html-renderer-script link relation

publish a new Working Draft of DOM Core; comment deadline March 2

publish Last Call Working Draft of HTML5 Web Messaging; deadline March 14

publish Last Call Working Draft of Progress Events spec; deadline March 7

publish Last Call Working Draft of Web Workers; deadline March 7

Questions regarding to "Test Suite for the XML Digital Signatures For Widgets Specification "

Quota API to query/request quota for offline storages (e.g. IndexedDB, FileSystem)

Rechartering Device APIs & Policy Working Group

RfC: Last Call Working Draft of Ontology for Media Resource 1.0; deadline March 31

RfC: Last Call Working Draft of Progress Events; deadline June 1

RfC: Last Call Working Draft of Server-sent Events; deadline April 21

RfC: Last Call Working Draft of Web Workers; deadline April 21

RfC: WebApps Testing Process

SearchBox API

Seeking pre-LCWD comments for Progress Events spec; deadline March 1

set input.value when input element has composition string

several messages

Some additions to Web Workers

Status of Selectors API Level 1 Candidate

Testing Requirements

The Emperor's New APIs: On the (In)Secure Usage of New Client-side Primitives

to stop work on Programmable HTTP Caching and Serving spec; deadline March 10

Using ArrayBuffer as payload for binary data to/from Web Workers

WebPerformance WG and Visibility API, Yield and Continue, requestAnimationFrame

WebSocket question

websockets protocol getting solid - cross-reviews; deadline April 15

websockets protocol getting solid - cross-reviews?

What is happening with XBL?

Widget URI tests

Widgets - WARP, Widgets Updates and Digital Signatures

Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2011 23:49:18 UTC