[widgets] New version of P&C Ready for pub

I have updated the Wigets P&C spec for publication as a LC.

This new draft specifies the defaultlocale attribute and makes some 
clarifications identified during the previous LC:

Changes Since Last Publication

This version introduces the defaultlocale attribute. For widgets that 
make use of multiple languages, this attribute allows an author to 
specify which of the languages should be used in case the user agent 
does not support any of the languages specified by the widget.

The following example shows the expected usage of the new defaultlocale 
attribute. In case neither English or Portuguese is supported by the 
runtime, the English version will be chosen by default:

<widget xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets"
         defaultlocale = "en-us">

    <name short="Weather" xml:lang="en-us">
     The Ultimate Weather Widget

    <name short="Boletim" xml:lang="pt">
     Boletim Metereológico


As there was confusion with regards to the email attribute and the param 
elements name and value attributes being defined as keyword attributes, 
these have now been reclassified as a string attributes.


Kind regards,

Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2011 18:31:14 UTC