Re: [XHR2] FormData for <form>

On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 20:19:27 +0200, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 11:04 AM, Anne van Kesteren <>  
> wrote:
>> So in terms of HTML5 the above would invoke "Constructing the form data  
>> set" (defined in HTML5) for the HTMLFormElement passed as parameter and  
>> let that data set be the data hold by FormData. Is that what you plan  
>> to implement?
> Yes.

So I looked into this today and it seems that what HTML defines is not  
entirely what is needed. The controls associated with the form and  
extracting the form data set are separate steps rather than one algorithm  
that can be used for FormData. I filed a bug on HTML and updated the  
XMLHttpRequest specification as far as I could (not very):

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 09:22:28 UTC