clipboard events spec and HTML5 spec - divide and conquer, but where?

Hi Ian,
I've done some work on a spec for clipboard events, initially just to make  
up my mind about what Opera needs to implement, but as it might be a  
useful thing in general I've volunteered to edit it as a WebApps WG  
delivery. It will be a fairly small spec, only handling clipboard events.  
You may or may not have noticed the E-mails on public-webapps:
spec draft:

Now, this needs a bit of syncing with HTML5 because right now that spec  
defines a ClipboardEvent interface that contains some of the stuff in  
HTML5's DataTransfer interface. To avoid this overlap I guess there are  
two ways forward, either I remove those bits from the clipboard events  
spec and reference HTML5, or you remove them from HTML5 and say that  
DataTransfer extends ClipboardEvent. I'm happy either way (though if I'm  
going to reference DataTransfer I'll call out explicitly what methods are  
required for clipboard events and omit the DnD specific stuff). Which  
approach do you think would be better?

Another issue I'd like a comment on is whether you have spec'ed or are  
close to spec'ing something that helps with the  
paste-text-with-binary-blobs-in use cases. I don't yet know how we should  
do that yet.

Thanks in advance - get to this anytime, it's mostly just spec  
organisation bureaucracy questions, so not terribly important ;-)

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 6 January 2011 11:09:54 UTC