Re: [chromium-html5] LocalStorage inside Worker

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:
>> That said. As I have suggested before (don't remember if it was here
>> or on the whatwg list), if we create a new version of localStorage,
>> where you can only get a reference to the localStorage object
>> asynchronously, then we should be fine. So something like:
>> var s;
>> getBetterStorage(function(storage) {
>> +=;
>>  storage.baz = "hello world";
>>  storage.text = "she sells sea schells by the sea shore";
>>  s = storage;
>>  setTimeout("runlater", 10);
>> });
>> function runlater() {
>> = "bar"; // throws an exception
>> }
>> would work fine, both in workers and outside them. It would also
>> remove the racyness that many localStorage implementations have since
>> they don't implement the storage mutex.
> This would require that only one async storage callback (for a
> particular Storage object) can be running at any one time.  That means
> browsers would have to lock the storage object to prevent that--and
> that's essentially the same as the current mutex requirement.  In
> other words, I suspect browsers wouldn't implement it.

No, implementing the storage mutex is an orders of magnitude harder
than implementing a locking mechanism prevents the callback from
happening in multiple threads at the same time. I'm saying that with
my implementor hat on. They are two very different types of locks. A
major difference is that one is grabbed synchronously and the other

/ Jonas

Received on Friday, 7 January 2011 00:13:05 UTC