www-style@w3.org from March 2015 by subject

"fast vs complete" is "SAX vs DOM"? and the IDs?

'all' and the system focus outline

[css-break] avoid-* conflicts

[css-break] Breaks and list items

[css-break] Class A breaks and avoid-*

[css-break] extending 'break-before'

[css-break] I hate the diagrams

[css-break] Name of 'any' value confusing

[css-break] Nested fragmentainers and break types

[css-break] Page progression definition

[css-break] Review: minor issues

[css-break][css-overflow-3][css-regions][css4-ui] generalizing 'region-fragment' into a fragmentation primitive: a first step to solving multi-line ellipsis

[css-cascade] Allowing @import to be conditional on @supports queries

[css-cascade] Environment encoding for @import

[css-color] copying a value from another color

[css-color] incorrect contrast ratio calculation

[css-color] shifting a color to make adequate contrast with another color

[css-compositing] Not all hue/saturation/luminosity knockouts are possible


[css-counter-styles] cjk-ideographic is not in the section title

[css-counter-styles] emdash

[css-device-adaptation] Progress?

[css-flexbox] abspos & align-self: stretch

[css-flexbox] Behaviour of percentage heights in column direction

[css-flexbox] Bug in flex-margin-no-collapse.html?

[css-flexbox] definite flexed size

[css-flexbox] Discussing the Addition of a '::flex-line' pseudo-element

[css-flexbox] incorrectly-linkified "flex basis" in spec (wants to be "flex-basis", which will probably fix linkification)

[css-flexbox] min-height on flex items that have an intrinsic aspect ratio

[css-flexbox] Should "max-width" influence the resolved flex base size? (from default "flex-basis:auto;width:auto")

[css-flexbox] Understanding flexbox-flex-direction-column.htm

[css-flexbox][css-grid] Reverting vertical % padding/margin to match block

[css-font-loading] family name parsing note

[css-font-loading] loading fonts and changes in status

[css-font-loading] maintaining invariants of a FontFaceSet’s set entries

[css-font-loading] src parsing of FontFace constructor

[css-font-loading] tracking FontFace objects for loadingdone/loadingerror events

[css-font-loading] using inherit in FontFaceSet.{load,check} font argument

[css-font-loading] “whenever” algorithms

[css-fonts] Proposal for 'font-rendering' property

[css-fonts] What does font-size-adjust for '0' look like?

[css-grid] Comments about grid item 'display' value and the term "grid-level boxes"

[css-grid] Containing block for abs.pos. grid items when the grid overflows

[css-grid] Editorial: align-self and justify-self are swapped in example 1 and 3

[css-grid] Editorial: the location of chapter 4.3

[css-grid] Flexible lengths and sizing constraints

[css-grid] How to resolve lines for absolutely positioned grid items

[css-grid] spec nit: "swap...inline and block" disclaimer is unnecessary, in section 9.5

[css-grid] Using automatic (instead of min-content) minimums for 'auto' tracks

[css-grid][css-align] Issues with align-content / justify-content properties

[css-lists-3] Trimming down Lists 3 featureset

[css-lists] Make ::marker use tabular variant for numbers by default

[css-multicol][css-sizing] Intrinsic Sizes of Multi-column Elements

[css-overflow] fragments vs paginate

[css-overflow] overflow vs continue (Was: [css-overflow] processing model of continue:discard)

[css-overflow] processing model of continue:discard

[css-overflow][css-overflow-3] logical overflow

[css-overflow][css2.1] default overflow of a button interop issue

[css-page-floats] First cleanup

[css-page-floats] First read-through

[css-page-floats][css-multicol] column-span: <integer> (Was: [css-page-floats] First cleanup)

[css-page-floats][css-overflow] First cleanup

[css-page] properties that only apply within the page context

[css-round-display] how to eliminate the warning messages?

[css-round-display] Request for first review the css-round-display

[css-ruby] Conflict with HTML5 spec

[css-ruby] Propose to make anonymous ruby text container "inherit" styles from their child

[css-ruby] Propose to make inter-character text container zero-sized

[css-ruby] Propose to use a different syntax for inter-character annotation

[css-ruby] The default value of ruby-align is undesirable for bopomofo

[css-ruby] Tone mark of bopomofo in ruby

[css-scoping] context for evaluating selectors

[css-selector] :focus and shadow host

[css-sizing] Percentage contributions to intrinsic sizing

[css-sizing][css-flexbox] intrinsic min/max-width/height values and percentage children

[css-snappoints] 3/5 Updated ED

[css-tables][css2.1] What should the measurement of the table be?

[css-text-decor] "Computed value" line for text-shadow incorrect

[css-text-decor] not underlining trailing spaces

[css-text] Enclosed alphanumerics and text-align:capitalize

[css-text] pre-wrap and white space processing

[css-text] text-transform:capitalize and Unicode digraphs

[css-text] useful 'hanging-punctuation: last' characters

[css-text] word-break for Korean

[css-transforms] rendering 3D-transformed sibling elements without preserve-3d

[css-transforms] Rendering descendent content of backface-visibility: hidden elements

[css-transforms] Specifying different transitions properties for different transform functions

[css-transitions] Some matrix-based rotation interpolations are "wrong"

[css-transitions]: Lacking satisfying specification interrupted transitions

[css-ui] review of the latest batch of edits and suggested tweaks

[css-values] Update on Values and Units CR

[css-variables] DoC finished, ready for CR pub

[css-variables] using CSS Variables as a mechanism for parameterised content

[css-writing-modes-3] Writing-mode of alt text and replaced content of textarea, input type="text"

[css-writing-modes][CSS21] propagation of 'direction' from <body>

[css2.1] Block element inside list-style-position: inside item

[css3-background] border-image dependancies on border-style and border-width

[css3-background][css-writing-modes] background-position:bottom to root elements

[css3-calc()] variable name for static value

[css3-transitions] transition-duration: 0 versus animation-duration: 0s;

[CSS3-UI] 'resize' issues 47, 53 - was Re: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2014-12-10

[css3-ui] file formats for the cursor property

[css3-ui] Issues 40, 72, 75, 80 ime-mode section shouldn't say "Implementations should drop support for it as soon as possible."

[css3-ui] Leftover from issue 48

[css3-ui] Minor leftover of the removal of nav-index

[css3-ui] publish WD - all but one outstanding issue resolved / edited.

[css3-ui] questioning "ellipsis may occur at a text wrap opportunity" (Issue 76)

[css3-ui] specifying box-sizing in greater detail to solve issue 69

[cssom-view] unrestricted double in ScrollToOptions

[cssom] Behaviour of DOM API when changing CSSRule

[cssom] Constructable Stylesheets

[cssom][css-cascade][css-fonts] Serialization of multi-valued properties

[csswg] Agenda conf call 01-apr-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 04-mar-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 11-mar-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 18-mar-2015

[csswg] Agenda conf call 25-mar-2015

[CSSWG] CSS Fragmentation Level 3 Last Call for Comments

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-09 Part I: CSS 2.1 Issues, Font Loading API

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-09 Part II: Selectors, Text Level 4

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-09 Part III: Sizing, Text

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-09 Part IV: Writing Modes, Multi-line/Block-Ellipsis

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part I: Rounded Displays

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part II: CSS UI

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part III: CSS Inline

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part IV: Page Floats, @extend

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part V: <custom-ident>, Flexbox, Form Control Styling, CSS Snapshot, CSS2.1, Obsoleting CSS3-Linebox

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-10 Part VI: New Publication Process, Upcoming Meeting Dates and Locations, CSS Ruby

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-11 Part I: CSS3-UI box-sizing, Interaction between Overflow, Positioning and Filters

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-11 Part II: Filter Effects, CSS Blending, Colored Font Palette Control, text-rendering

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-11 Part III: Transitions, CSS Transforms, Web Animations

[CSSWG] Minutes Sydney F2F 2015-02-11 Part IV: ID-less Referencing, Referencing Properties, Text in a Shape, Flexbox, ::selection

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-03-04

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-03-11

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-03-18

[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-03-25

[geometry] Dictionary argument for DOMQuad constructor

[mediaqueries] @media not (unsupported-media-feature) v.s. @media not (unsupported + syntax)

[mediaqueries] @media screen and (foo) or (baz)

[mediaqueries] additional types of media features

[mediaqueries] Editorial: <media-condition> grammar requires unbounded look-ahead

[mediaqueries] Excluding '!' and ';' in <general-enclosed>?

[mediaqueries] Printing media queries - media color and ink saving

[mediaqueries] reevaluating media queries when the environment changes

[mediaqueries] Use-case for "viewing context" MQ

[motion-path] Request for FPWD

[selectors-4] selector matching being specified from left to right

[selectors4] Not clear where pseudo-elements fit in

[selectors] Clarify behavior of selectors not in the fast profile in CSS

Agenda+ review 1st WD of WebVTT

Baseline of inline-block elements

Could filter:blur have a range limitation?

CSS pseudo-selector :closest and :further

csswg.org/fxtf.org/css-houdini.org Scheduled Maintenance

Domain selectors

element existence selector

Mapping CSS2 to modules

RTL characters in Ahem

Shadow-piercing combinators in the wild

Suggested Solution for more RTL\LTR Agnostic Web

Text Overflow With ...

Threshold for fast profile?

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2015 22:38:26 UTC