Re: [css-ruby] Propose to use a different syntax for inter-character annotation

Syntactically, among "inter-character" and Xidorn's proposal, I'm fine
either way. I personally agree with Richard though.

One concern is fallback. "inter-character" falls back better for UAs
that do not support, no? I don't know how Chinese feel it's acceptable
fallback or not though.

> rt { writing-mode: vertical-rl; }
> would be enough, if they don't use any <rtc>.
> Actually, I guess it might be good to always have anonymous ruby text
> containers "inherit" styles from their child instead of their parent. I'd
> like to open another thread to discuss this.

Can't this:

rtc, rt { writing-mode: vertical-rl; }



Received on Thursday, 12 March 2015 16:32:40 UTC