Re: [csswg] Agenda conf call 04-mar-2015

On 03/04/2015 05:43 AM, Manuel Rego Casasnovas wrote:
> On 04/03/15 09:05, Daniel Glazman wrote:
>> 1. Grid Layout
>> --------------
> I cannot read that link (members only) but just in case you were missing
> them, there're some issues regarding positioned elements pending to be
> resolved yet:
> It'd be really nice if you've time to discuss about them. :-)

It's basically a message saying "we should publish an update to the spec",
since back in December / early January Tab and I had fixed a ton of things
that had been raised over the previous year. We should have published in
January, but didn't get around to it. :)

We'll get to your issue, just haven't had another Grid Layout workday yet.
(Tab and I can easily context-switch to fix minor things like typos, but
for work on actual layout issues we like to batch up so we can spend half
a day reloading the algorithms into our heads.)


Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 17:49:29 UTC