[css-counter-styles] emdash


I received a request from a french EPUB author about the addition
of emdash as a new value for the 'list-style-type' property without
having to wait for the implementation of extended counter styles
or rely on markers. That value is so trivial it could be implemented
and shipped really quickly.
That emdash list style type is the norm in french typography for
dialog quotes. It's also the case in several other languages (spanish
for instance) and it's used in millions of books.

  — Comment t'appelles-tu ? dit Jean Valjean.
  — Petit-Gervais, monsieur.
  — Va-t'en, dit Jean Valjean.
  — Monsieur, reprit l'enfant, rendez-moi ma pièce.

       in Les Misérables, Victor Hugo.

That would be similar to

   list-style: symbols(cyclic "—");

but that one is only implemented by FF at this time I think and EPUB
authors are left in limbos here. It's also a bit complicated for such
a simple thing. Please note this is something we discussed very long
ago for CSS 2.0.

Just so you know, I asked the guy why he is using lists for such quotes.
Answer: seemed natural to me.

Personal note: I am also writing a book and facing the same issue, I'm
also using lists for dialogs.


Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2015 09:32:19 UTC