Re: [mediaqueries] reevaluating media queries when the environment changes

On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Florian Rivoal <> wrote:
> MQ4 states:
> "User agents should re-evaluate media queries in response to changes in the user environment"
> MQ3 has the same, phrased differently.
> I believe this was intentional, but I cannot think of any good reason
> for using should rather than must in this sentence, and would like to
> change.
> The only two reasons I can think of are:
> 1) If we write MUST, this will delay MQ3 getting to REC
> => If that's the case, this is no longer relevant, and we can use must
> 2) We want to allow some user agents to layout and render a static view
> of the page once, and then never touch it again (no relayout, no
> interaction, no javascript after the initial load...).
> => If that's what we want to do, we can carve out a specific exemption
> for such UAs, without allowing normal interactive browsers to fail to
> update their media queries when something changes.
> Or was there something else?

As Elika stated on the call, at the time of writing MQ3, there *were*
some browsers that didn't respond to changes properly, so the spec
used a SHOULD so it could advance.  There are no longer any such
browsers, at least for the MQ3 queries, and unless a browser has a
good reason to not respond to changes for one of the new MQ4 queries,
all the new ones should be assumed to update appropriately as well.
Thus, it should be totally fine for us to update the language to MUST.


Received on Wednesday, 25 March 2015 19:36:20 UTC