[css-tables][css2.1] What should the measurement of the table be?

Another interop issue I would appreciate input on from the WG. This one unfortunately is not as clear cut (most table issues aren't), but I do believe based on regular table markup that IE is doing the correct thing here. Here is the testcase: http://jsbin.com/yutipulode/1/edit?html,css,output 

It should be noted that I did add CSS for display: table-row as well as table-row-group just in case it was a mistake in the fix up step of FF or Chrome and both exhibited the same end result so I don't believe it has to do with that.

This is how it breaks down:
    IE: All three of them render the same way
    Chrome: Renders the first one as 202px tall with a scroll bar (I think this is a bug, because changing overflow-y to hidden should not have an effect on the sizing of the table cell). Renders the last 2 identically
    Firefox/Presto: Renders the CSS based tables at 202px tall but an actual table it renders as IE does.

Personally, I think that any time you use CSS tables it should have the same end result as using actual tables, thus I think IE has the correct behavior here but am willing to listen to arguments on why Clamping the table height in a CSS table while not doing that for a regular table makes sense. 


Received on Sunday, 8 March 2015 05:19:59 UTC