Re: [mediaqueries] Printing media queries - media color and ink saving

How is CSS supposed to be able to know what color the paper being printed
on? In the end, it's not our job to worry about anyway.

As for the second suggestion, user agents change things for reasons that we
don't know. Circumventing their adjustments is not something that we, as
developers, should be intending to do. If the person printing the page
wants different results than what their user agent requires, they can
choose to use a different user agent.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Henrik Andersson <>

> I have been thinking about printing. I am no expert, I don't even have a
> printer of my own, but there are some features that I think would make
> sense as media queries.
> The first one is being able to detect the color of the medium, the paper
> color that is. Authors might want to adjust colors to suit the paper
> color, especially with regards to printer limitations. To do this one
> would need a query of some sort to check what the medium color is. This
> is a troublesome value to check, it's a color. As far as I know, there
> are no media queries using color values. Which leaves the problem of
> figuring out how to do the matching.
> The second feature is the one that inspired me to start this discussion.
> Ink saving. My browser, SeaMonkey, allows disabling backgrounds when
> printing. Obviously I as an author need to know about such a major
> change to make the layout work correctly. The @supports system seems
> like a good solution for this specific problem. But this makes me think,
> is this not just a special case of a more generic idea? User agents may
> want to perform various operations in order to save on ink. Is this
> something worth being able to adjust the layout for?
> Hoping to hear from some actual experts.

Received on Saturday, 7 March 2015 22:08:11 UTC