Re: [css-tables][css2.1] What should the measurement of the table be?

On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 5:22 AM Greg Whitworth <> wrote:

> Another interop issue I would appreciate input on from the WG. This one
> unfortunately is not as clear cut (most table issues aren't), but I do
> believe based on regular table markup that IE is doing the correct thing
> here. Here is the testcase:
> edit?html,css,output
When comparing table 1 and 3 you're not comparing like with like. This is a
like for like comparison expressing table 3 in CSS and HTML:

And this does the same for table 1:

To me, it looks like Blink is rendering tables 1 and 3 correctly and table
2 incorrectly and that FF is rendering all three correctly.

Received on Sunday, 8 March 2015 10:46:39 UTC