[css-overflow][css2.1] default overflow of a button interop issue

Hello everyone,

We addressed an interop issue recently to match Gecko/Blink/Presto to have overflow: visible be the default for a block box (the bug happened to affect a button). This fixed a couple live sites and interestingly one of our own products submitted a bug on this change as their web app was expecting our old behavior. Upon reducing their issue, I discovered that Blink/Webkit does something we odd where they do default to overflow: visible on blocks but not on buttons, but they do for any descendant of the button that are positioned but not for any of the regular text inside of the button. This is not how their regular block boxes works and is not interoperable with Gecko/Current IE Edge Engine/Presto.

While I feel this is a webkit based bug (Blink and Webkit both have this issue) I wanted to get agreement from the working group before submitting bugs on the vendors.

Here is the test case: http://jsbin.com/lobuvacezo/1/edit?html,css,output

Thank you,

Received on Sunday, 8 March 2015 04:12:17 UTC