from September 2011 by subject

"Connect library data standards to the linked data space"

"Create URIs for the items in library datasets"

"Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT

"Develop library data standards..."

"Foster a discussion about Open Data and rights"

"Library Linked Data available today"

"library Linked Data" (capitalization)

"Microformats, Microdata, and RDFa" - attn: Jeff and Peter!

"Namespace" = "vocabulary with URIs"?

"particular uniquely identified resource"

"Publish the policies followed when coining URIs"


"Rights ownership is complex"

a few minor changes

Abstract (Executive Summary)

AcknowledgementsMainDeliverable folded into report header

Acronym expansion in Abstract

added "Web pages" to our style guide

Another appendix A question

Another appendix A question - "side deliverable"

Appendix A done

Appendix A: stressing the definitions

AW: Library data is expressed primarily as text strings

AW: Re: "Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT

capitalization question: Should "Patrons" and "Organizations" be lowercased?

capitalized "Linked Data"

Changes to "Benefits" page

Changes to "Relevant Technologies" appendix

changes to authority displays Re: Editing "Issues"

Checking "Apply library experience in curation" rec

Checking "Increase library participation in Semantic Web standardization" rec

Checking "Increase library participation in Semantic Web standardization" rec - 2

comma style?

Copy edits on "Scope"

Copy-editing Benefits

Copy-editing Benefits - attn: Emma

definitions of element sets and value vocabularies--Scope vs. Appendix A?

Details in ConversionStyle

Editing "Available data" side deliverable

Editing "Issues"

Editing recommendations - c'ed

Editing Scope of this report

editing the Vocabulary and Dataset deliverable (NOW)

Editing Use Case report

Executive Summary--italics to stress who each recommendation is directed at?

Expanding library-world acronyms and spelling "cataloging" without "u"

Expansion of acronym "RDFa"

First mention of RDF - IMPORTANT ISSUE

Fwd: [IFLA-L] EUscreen's television archives join Linked Open Data movement

Fwd: draft press release

Fwd: Library Linked Data page UseCaseReport has been changed by Karen Coyle

Fwd: Related blog post: "We just released the MMA version of MARC21 elements and vocabularies in RDF"

Guide of construction of ontologies (was: Re: "Namespace" = "vocabulary with URIs"?)

HTML generation and hyperlinks

I18n and Linked Data - an important (but fixable) omission?


infrastructure costs (rather than infrastructural costs)

internal links to the Appendices?

IRIs - proposed resolution

IRIs - proposed resolution - going once...

Joint Steering Committee for the Development of Resource Description and Access (RDA)

Library data is expressed primarily as text strings

Links to "use cases" from "available data"

LLD cloud (with a specific attn to William!)

LLD XG editorial telecon - report

LLD XG Editorial telecon - Thursday, 10am EST

LLD XG Editors' meeting - minutes

lowercased 'websites'

More questions acronyms

OCLC acronym - Jeff?

order of acronyms?

Passing the baton - of the draft

Preservation (was Re: "Publish the policies followed when coining URIs")

provenance questionnaire -- to inform W3C provenance ontology

Pubby "automates URIs"? - attn: Peter, Jeff

puzzled by this note: "URLs: wikipedia, dbpedia"

questions from the Vocabulary and Dataset editing.

Questions on Appendix A

Recommendations -- authority files and discrete values

Recommendations: "Apply library experience" - Antoine?

Reference to "the" Resource Description Framework?

Referencing RFC 3305 and httpRange-14 in "Relevant Technologies"

Related blog post: "We just released the MMA version of MARC21 elements and vocabularies in RDF"

Removed transclusion in The Current Situation

Scope -- "library Linked Data" or "Library Linked Data"?

Status (Executive Summary)

Status of publication tasks after today's telecon

Swedish National Bibliography and authority data released with open license

Terminology : libraries, library world, library community

The acronym "RDA" in the name of JSC

Updated publication plan

Use case acks

Use cases report "completed"

Visualizing metadata element sets in side deliverable

Vocabulary and Dataset deliverable

W3C website down?

What documents stay on the wiki?

wiki documents frozen!

Last message date: Thursday, 29 September 2011 23:05:30 UTC