- From: Karen Coyle <kcoyle@kcoyle.net>
- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 08:30:47 -0700
- To: public-xg-lld@w3.org
Quoting Jodi Schneider <jodi.schneider@deri.org>: > Here are my questions from the Vocabulary and Dataset editing: > http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/index.php?title=Vocabulary_and_Dataset > > Suggestions & thoughts would be helpful -- these are the ones that > stumped me. > > -Jodi > > > SPELLING > * "non mutually exclusive" > Should this be "non-mutually exclusive" I'd change to "not mutually exclusive" and modify sentence to make that fit. > > WORDCHOICE > * Is there a better word than notions here? > "Similar notions to "dataset" include "collection" or "metadata record set"" I've changed it to "concepts" in some places. > > * "CKAN uses the concept of curated groups of data packages" -- > given the special meaning of concept, is there another word that > would suit here? More like "organizes" so "CKAN organizes data packages as groups that are curated by a community" ? > > * Have we decided to use "cases" as opposed to "use cases"? I could use a style guide on that! > > > ABBREVIATIONS INSIDE PARENTHESES > * Is this correct, to have the abbreviation follow a comma, when the > name itself is already parenthetical? > " such element sets are generally made concrete through (RDF) > schemas or (Web Ontology Language, OWL) ontologies" Parentheses, not comma. Nested commas unfortunate but may be necessary. > > * Or do we just nest parentheses? > "(... SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) endpoints)" > > * Or use commas? > (Gemeinsame NormDatei, or GND) > > > CAPITALIZATION > * Should elements and values be capitalized? Don't think so. > "a Subject element drawn from Dublin Core, and a value for Subject > drawn from LCSH." > "name" from Friend of a Friend (FOAF)." > "including date modified and maintainer/curator elements drawn from > Dublin Core." > > > LINKS/FURTHER INFO > * "The curators of these groups have arrived at a set of conventions > for using the tagging facilities in CKAN to describe packages that > are to be included. " -- if these are documented someplace, this > would be a good place to link them, or say more. It's possible that > the links below this are the documentation -- but that's not clear > enough to me from the wording here. > > * Should we link ISO 3166? I assume so, if we reference it. > > > REPHRASING WOULD BE USEFUL > * "Beyond this analysis based on the Incubator Group cases, Library > Linked Data community members should consider contributing to > measuring the usage of element sets against more precise and > up-to-date listings of datasets and value vocabularies" #1 - avoid the "-ing" form in English where possible. I don't know why, but it makes things (:-) not really an ING!) hard to read. However, I have no idea what is being measured here. Are we asking the LLD community to keep a list of datasets and value vocabs? To what purpose? > > * "It is also apparent that linking to other data that do not have > this central character is quite common." ??? no idea what is meant > > * "FOAF is a basic common-sense and widely used ontology for > describing persons and other closely-related entities on the Web." I would never call ANY metadata vocabulary "common-sense" :-) FOAF is a widely used ontology for describing persons and their relationships to other Persons and to Web resources. > > QUESTIONS ABOUT WORDING > * I'm not sure what this means: > "When publishing a new package, adding it to CKAN means that it is > included in a frequently consulted list of packages. " I think it is merely that adding your package to CKAN gives it visibility through the CKAN service, which people consult to find datasets to use. --- done up to here kc > > * I'm not sure what this means: > "Although ULAN not yet published as Linked Data per se, it does > appears in the > [http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Vocabulary_and_Dataset#VIAF_.28Virtual_International_Authority_File.29|VIAF]." > > * What does "their own" refer to here? > "In addition to the documentation made available on their own > websites, the reader can view their content using generic ontology > creation and visualization tools such as > [http://protege.stanford.edu/ Protégé], the > [http://owl.cs.manchester.ac.uk/browser/ Manchester ontology > browser], [http://pellet.owldl.com/owlsight/ OWL Sight] or the > [http://lode.sourceforge.net/ Live OWL Documentation Environment > (LODE)] " > > ACRONYMS > * Does NACO stand for "name authority component"? Should we spell that out? > * Does TELplus stand for The European Library plus? Should we spell that out? > * What is the correct name for MARC21? MAchine-Readable Cataloging21? > * When should DC be abbreviated? > * Should API be spelled out? > * Does SKOS-XL have a long name? > * Ditto for OWL-DL? > * Does LOCAH have a long name? > * Does SPECTRUM have a long name? > > STRUCTURAL STUFF > * "As of the winter of 2011," "It contains terms in 24 languages (as > of May 2011)." > Do we want to say "As of the date of this report"? > > * It's a little strange that the usage examples appear before the > vocabs here: > > =====Preservation vocabularies from LoC===== > > * Usage examples: [[Use Case Digital Preservation]] > > ======[http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservationEvents Preservation > Events]====== > > A concept scheme for the preservation events, i.e., actions > performed on digital objects within a preservation repository. > > ======[http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservationLevelRole > Preservation Level Role]====== > > A concept scheme for the preservation level roles, i.e., values that > specify in what context a set of preservation options is applicable. > > > -- Karen Coyle kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net ph: 1-510-540-7596 m: 1-510-435-8234 skype: kcoylenet
Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 15:31:25 UTC