Re: Checking "Increase library participation in Semantic Web standardization" rec

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:08, "Tom Baker" <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 07, 2011 at 07:55:05AM +0200, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>> It has always amazed me how library people are allergic to any terminological
>> generalization of "pre-coordination" (it's about assembling different
>> concepts together, no? So a kind of combination...). Anyway, what was
>> bothering me is that the previously written "concept coordination" was
>> looking too vague while denoting a quite precise thing ("concept" here is
>> much more precise than many other occurrences of the same word in the rest of
>> the text). Having an all-precise wording such as "pre-coordinated subject
>> heading" is also very fine by me!
>> Changes made at
> Antoine,
> The only problem with this new wording:
>    [SKOS]... does not include mechanisms for representing pre-coordinated subject headings...
> is that "SKOS" (or RDF) does in fact include a "mechanism for representing
> pre-coordinated subject headings": you simply give them URIs!  A wording like
> "representing the component concepts of pre-coordinated subject headings" gets
> closer, but there, too, one could argue that you just give the concepts URIs
> (not that those concepts are necessarily related to the pre-coordinated subject
> headings, if you see what I mean).  In other words, that wording doesn't quite
> capture what you wanted to say, Antoine, with "combining concepts".
> If I can think of a better wording, I'll post it...  Maybe something like 
> "representing pre-coordinated subject headings as combinations of component
> concepts"...?
> Tom
> -- 
> Tom Baker <>

Agree with Tom. It is doable, as the LCSH linked data version has done. (especially in the current version). See example

I wonder if we need to get into how SKOS can be used and extended in our report. If our report wants to be cited for a while, it is better not to have the content which may expire soon.


Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 15:52:54 UTC