Editing "Available data" side deliverable


In the process that lead to the update of the metadata element set cloud, I couldn't prevent from doing some copy editing, see below.
Marcia has also finished checking the hyperlinks in this report.

The only thing left are:
1. fit updated "dataset and value vocabulary" graph and "metada element set tag cloud" into the document, which requires edition of only 2 very specific parts of the doc.
2. add a listing of available datasets to http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/Vocabulary_and_Dataset#Published_Datasets, generated from http://ckan.net/group/lld  . I will do that at the very latest moment, when Jodi and Peter have started working on creating the final HTML. CKAN gives us HTML with good links, it would be a pity to force them into the wiki, only to HMTL-ize them one week later....




- homogenized titles for vocabulary sub-sections (esp. with the order between acronyms and spelled out forms. for instance "4.1.7 VIAF (Virtual International Authority File)" and "4.1.8 Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)" )

- re-structured the "published value vocabulary" section: a couple of months ago, Marcia has done a classification of vocs into general categories (classifications, subject heading lists, etc.) but this was not implemented properly in the structure of the wiki page.

- some stuff that tries to follow http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/ConversionStyle

Received on Monday, 12 September 2011 09:33:10 UTC