Re: "Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT

> I couldn't quite parse the heading here.  Is it
>      "Design (user stories and models) for user interfaces"     - or:
>      "Design (user stories) and (models for user interfaces)"?
> The section itself, then, did not refer either to user stories or to
> models.  How about [1]:
>      Explore potential new Linked Data-based services with experimental prototypes
>      Linked Data should ultimately lead to new and better services to users as
>      well as enabling implementers outside of libraries to create applications
>      and services based on library data. It is too early to predict what new
>      types of services may be developed for information discovery and use.
>      Experimental services using library Linked Data should be undertaken in
>      order to explore potential use cases and inform the direction of larger
>      development efforts.
> [1]

I'm not sure what the precise intention of the section was, originally. But I prize the idea to emphasize the need to think about user-oriented stories/scenarios/use cases/whatever, and thus keep it in the heading!


Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 06:22:51 UTC