Re: Editing Scope of this report

On 5 Sep 2011, at 16:32, Karen Coyle wrote:

> Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:
>> Hi,
>> I've checked the "Scope" section, and made some editorial changes:
>> Most important items:
>> 1.  removed a bit in
>> [Data used primarily for library-management purposes or covered by library privacy policies is generally out of scope.]
>> ->
>> [Data covered by library privacy policies is generally out of scope.]
> Our intention was not to exclude only the privacy-related data, but also data like acquisitions, fund accounting, serials check-in, and other management data that we simply have not addressed here. I don't know an easy way to "name" that data, which is why we simply called it "library management" data.
>> I entirely agree with Adrian's comment at I don't see a clear distinction between "“data used primarily for library-management purposes" and "information produced or curated by libraries that describes resources or aids their discovery" (in the previous sentence). In doubt I prefer to keep only the clear item.
> But this is very clear to me, I must say. Maybe it depends on whether you've worked directly with an ILS? But if we think that most of our readers won't assume that the library management data is included, perhaps we can leave that off.

I think that the examples you give, Karen, could be used, for instance as a footnote:
"acquisitions, fund accounting, serials check-in, and other management data"

I think that it's worth leaving in the mention of library-management data, if we can make it sufficiently clear.


Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 16:50:32 UTC