Re: "Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT


I do like the new heading very much. But I've got a question on this sub-section, still, while checking the section. Why is in in the recommendations "for standard bodies and participants"?
It seems to me that it would fit better amont the recs for library leadership (from the perspective of the ones who make decisions on starting such endeavors) or the recs for system designers.
Any opinion?


> On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 01:52:30PM -0400, Thomas Baker wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 05:43:51PM +0100, Jodi Schneider wrote:
>>> Is it the capabilities of LD that we want to emphasize?
>>> 	Design and test enhanced user services based on Linked Data capabilities
>>> Or the user-oriented nature?
>>> 	Design and test enhanced user services based on user needs
>> Either one of these is better than what I proposed!  I slightly prefer the
>> former, which explicitly makes the connection to Linked Data, whereas the
>> latter is so generic (non-Linked-Data-specific) that one could make the point
>> anywhere.
> DONE -

Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 22:42:57 UTC