Updated publication plan

Dear all,

I have incorporated all of the actions and outstanding issues into this updated

I suggest we use this document to keep track of sections which are "done" and
can be converted into HTML.



LLD XG Publication of Deliverables 
This file: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/FinalEditing

Publication Editors: Tom (coordinator), Emmanuelle, Antoine, Karen, Peter, Jodi, Daniel, Ed
Telecons: Thursdays, 1000 EDT, +1-617-761-6200, code 55394# ("LLDXG")


   2011-09-01 Thu - telecom http://www.w3.org/2011/09/01-lld-minutes.html
   2011-09-08 Thu - telecom http://www.w3.org/2011/09/08-lld-minutes.html

-- TO DO 
   2011-09-15 Thu - All wiki documents should be done by today.
                  - After call: Peter, Jodi, and Karen will convert wiki pages 
                    into HTML documents, 16 through 26 September.
                  - In editing HTML, add links between sections of document where necessary.
   2011-09-29 Thu - Final telecon to discuss any remaining issues with HTML documents.
   2011-10-03 Mon - Target date for publication
Deliverable A: Library Linked Data Incubator Group Final Report
-- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/lld/wiki/DraftReportWithTransclusion (FOR REFERENCE - DO NOT EDIT)

     [Main part of the report]
     -- "Executive Summary" (Editors: Karen, Tom, Cc: Michael and Gordon)
         - 2011-09-08: DONE (includes "Status")

     -- "Scope of this Report" (Editor: Antoine)
         - 2011-09-08: DONE - pending approval of sentence about IRIs

     -- "Benefits of the Linked Data approach" (Editor: Jodi, Peter)
         - 2011-09-08: Jodi is done. Peter will make clean-up edits later today.

     -- "The Current Situation" (Editor: Emma, Antoine)
         - 2011-09-08: Done?

     -- "Recommendations" (Editor: Emma, Antoine)
         - 2011-09-08: Done except for pending issue (below)?
           Edsu and others to fix the first sentence of 

     -- "Appendix A. Available Vocabularies and Datasets" (Editor: Karen, Jodi)
         - 2011-09-08: Karen is done editing. Jodi to read through Appendix A, check Karen's edits.

     -- "Appendix B. Relevant Technologies" (Editor: Peter)
         - 2011-09-08: Peter will report.

Deliverable B (Editors: Karen)
   "W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Use Cases" 
    Author: Daniel Vila Suero
   Note: After conversion to HTML, tables may need to be tweaked.
   - 2011-09-08: Karen has edited, Daniel has a few more changes that Karen will 
     edit.  Karen will fix acknowledgements (all names at end).

Deliverable C (Author: Antoine to add links.)
   "W3C Library Linked Data Incubator Group: Datasets, Value Vocabularies,
    and Metadata Element Sets" 
    Authors: Antoine Isaac, William Waites, Jeff Young, Marcia Zeng
    - 2011-09-01 Antoine will do:
      -- Tag cloud
      -- CKAN - get separate list of datasets
      -- Check links
    - 2011-09-08: Vocabularies and Datasets deliverable is still being edited.  
      Needs brief Abstract.

Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org>

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2011 18:33:38 UTC