LLD XG editorial telecon - report

The minutes are at [1] - thanks to Emma for scribing!

The process, basically:

--  Karen completes her edits in DropBox and passes the baton to Jodi.

--  Jodi complete her edits in DropBox and passes the baton to Peter.

--  Before Peter moves the HTML documents from DropBox to the W3C site, 
    we need to decide on a likely target publication date to use in 
    time-stamped directory name and get approval from W3C.

--  On the telecon next week, 6 October, we will check on progress.

--  Ideally, we will all have one week (6-13 October?) to click through the HTML 
    report, check links, etc.

--  If all goes according to plan, we will hold a (final?) telecon on 13 October 
    to discuss any issues arising with the HTML documents.

--  Target publication date: 17 October??


[1] http://www.w3.org/2011/09/29-lld-minutes.html

Tom Baker <tom@tombaker.org>

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2011 15:01:45 UTC