Re: Library data is expressed primarily as text strings

Corrected version of my previous message, apologies.

Very interesting debate indeed. 

I am not sure I have followed all the developments, but here it seems to me that the problem is NOT the "text string" per sé. A URI (in its abstract syntax) is in fact a text string, and so is an ISBN. The difference between a URI and any other type of string is that a URI has a meaning associated to it, and this meaning allows an agent (for instance a piece of software), who knows there is a URI in a certain place, to do something with the URI (whether display it nicely or dereference it and get back a representation). So, a text string is fine, as long as the string conforms to a syntax with an associated semantics.


On Sep 5, 2011, at 11:46 PM, Tom Baker wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 11:41:51PM +0200, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>>> OK, I've tried it in
>>>> (be careful, this diff includes quite some other changes, including a couple by Tom...)
>>> This pulls the two points together into one coherent point
>>> quite efficiently.  Nicely done!
>>> One minor stylistic suggestion:
>>>   s/especially, changes/in particular, that changes/
>> This reminds me too much of not elegant French constructions, I could not have thought of that :-)
>> But if you think that's alright, feel free to implement it!
> DONE [1]...
> [1]

Carlo Meghini                                                                      
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie della Informazione [ ISTI ]    
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Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 12:16:51 UTC