Re: Links to "use cases" from "available data"

I actually think that the titles of the use cases should be treated as  
titles... I don't know of a reason to do otherwise, and it is how we  
have had them all along.


Quoting Jodi Schneider <>:

> On 15 Sep 2011, at 22:33, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>> Hmmm, yes, that's a good point. I think we should let the editor decide!
>> I think whatever be Daniel's decision, no-one would object to him  
>> cleaning the titles of the wiki pages as well. If this can be done,  
>> which I have some doubts about.
> Cleaning the titles *should* be as simple as moving the pages. We do  
> seem to have access to do that.
> -Jodi
>> But as you understood, I'm not going to push this very strongly...
>> Antoine
>>> I noticed the Use Case up/low problem, but it seemed that the  
>>> names of the cases on this page were in the same case as they were  
>>> on the pages for the cases. (Sorry for so many "cases.") We  
>>> decided on sentence case for our sub-headings, but these are the  
>>> names of documents. If we change them to sentence case in the use  
>>> case report, should we also change them to sentence case in the  
>>> wiki pages for each use case?
>>> kc
>>> Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> As per our call today, I have tried to clean the "usage examples"  
>>>> of the Datasets, Value Vocabularies, and Metadata Element Sets  
>>>> deliverable:
>>>> But I'm not so confident I'm finished: in the process, I have  
>>>> spotted that there are many capitalization issues in the headings  
>>>> of the use case report, see
>>>> Should one decide this is not good, we'd have to adapt the work  
>>>> I've done to new headings. Now the question is, does anyone want  
>>>> to change the capitalization in the Use case report?
>>>> Antoine

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Friday, 16 September 2011 19:21:49 UTC