Re: Joint Steering Committee for the Development of Resource Description and Access (RDA)

On 9/10/11 10:22 AM, wrote:
> All
> The correct title of the organization known by the acronym JSC is "Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA" (no "the" and no expansion of RDA).
> The correct title must be used in the final report, I think we'd all agree.
> The correct title of the resource known by the acronym RDA is "RDA: resource description and access", so the acronym is spelled out as part of the correct title. In most standard document styles, the first reference to RDA should therefore be: "RDA: resource description and access (RDA)", with the acronym "RDA" used thereafter.
> But apart from the reference to JSC, the acronym RDA does not appear in the final report until Appendix A, and only appears once. So there is no need for the acronym to be given in brackets for subsequent citations, as there are none.
> So I suggest that the text is amended:
> 1. In the body of the final report " "Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC)".
> 2. In Appendix A "RDA: resource description and access".
> I do not think it is necessary to expand the RDA bit of the name of the JSC.

Thanks, Gordon!
Changes implemented at


Received on Saturday, 10 September 2011 13:32:53 UTC