Re: I18n and Linked Data - an important (but fixable) omission?


2011/9/9 Jodi Schneider <>

> Tom,
> I'm going through the entire report now. When I first read your mail about
> the IRI that location seemed fine -- and I really like the sentence.
> However in the context of defining Linked Data in the Scope section, it
> seems out of place to me:
> *Linked Data*. "Linked Data" (LD) refers to data published in accordance
> with principles <> designed
> to facilitate linkages among datasets, element sets, and value vocabularies.
> Linked Data uses (Web) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) as globally
> unique identifiers for any kind of resources -- analogously to the library
> world's identifiers for authority control -- and provides data using
> standards such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF). (While this
> report follows common practice in emphasizing URIs, readers should note the
> increasing role of Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)<>
>  as multilingual Web addresses<> that
> support non-Latin scripts.) Linked Data defines relationships between things
> -- relationships that can be used for navigating between, or integrating,
> information from multiple sources.
> This complicates the section on Linked Data -- one of the key places I
> think we need to simplify. So I would propose reverting that change, so that
> this paragraph focuses only on Linked Data -- the concept it is defining.
> Then, if we do feel the need to cover URIs in the Scope section, I'd rather
> that we gave it its own line (similar to how we define
> "libraries"). Alternately we might want to put it in the "Available
> Technologies" Appendix section of the report: We have considerably
> simplified a number of issues in the main report.
> While I'm not sure that the *term* "IRI" is that much harder to understand
> than "URI" (which is different from the "URL" which is in common practice),
> you make a good point that URIs, rather than IRIs, are currently emphasized
> in Linked Data.

> It would be helpful to know whether, for instance, the National Diet
> Library is currently using IRIs for Linked Data.

I don't know about the National Diet Library. But e.g. there is dbpedia
internationalization under development, which already includes korean,
greece or german linked data
So I think one can regards the deployment of IRI in library linked data only
a question of time:
A japanese (library) users wants to see夏目漱
and not
The same way a German user wants to see
and notヨハン・ヴォルフガング・フォン・ゲーテ



> -Jodi
> On 9 Sep 2011, at 17:56, Tom Baker wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> On Fri, Sep 09, 2011 at 12:36:02PM +1000, Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> Being in both Library and i18n camps, I'd stress the important of
> referencing IRIs.
> I see your point but don't see an easy way of doing this without changing
> the
> whole emphasis in the report on "URIs" (e.g., a global search and replace
> "s/URIs/IRIs/"?).  Emphasizing IRIs would put us out of synch with the
> five-star coffee cup message of Linked Data generally.  Making the
> reference
> prominently in the Scope section will get readers' attention.  If the
> Linked
> Data message is wrong to emphasize URIs (and not IRIs) _generally_, then
> maybe
> we need a revised coffee cup message...
> Does that make sense?
> Tom
> [1]
> --
> Tom Baker <>

Prof. Dr. Felix Sasaki
Senior Researcher, Language Technology Lab
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Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster
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Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
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Received on Friday, 9 September 2011 18:46:01 UTC