questions from the Vocabulary and Dataset editing.

Here are my questions from the Vocabulary and Dataset editing:

Suggestions & thoughts would be helpful -- these are the ones that stumped me.


* "non mutually exclusive"
Should this be "non-mutually exclusive"

* Is there a better word than notions here?
"Similar notions to "dataset" include "collection" or "metadata record set"" 

* "CKAN uses the concept of curated groups of data packages" -- given the special meaning of concept, is there another word that would suit here?

* Have we decided to use "cases" as opposed to "use cases"?

* Is this correct, to have the abbreviation follow a comma, when the name itself is already parenthetical?
" such element sets are generally made concrete through (RDF) schemas or (Web Ontology Language, OWL) ontologies"

* Or do we just nest parentheses?
"(... SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) endpoints)"

* Or use commas?
(Gemeinsame NormDatei, or GND)

* Should elements and values be capitalized?
"a Subject element drawn from Dublin Core, and a value for Subject drawn from LCSH."
"name" from Friend of a Friend (FOAF)."
"including date modified and maintainer/curator elements drawn from Dublin Core."

* "The curators of these groups have arrived at a set of conventions for using the tagging facilities in CKAN to describe packages that are to be included. " -- if these are documented someplace, this would be a good place to link them, or say more. It's possible that the links below this are the documentation -- but that's not clear enough to me from the wording here.

* Should we link ISO 3166?

* "Beyond this analysis based on the Incubator Group cases, Library Linked Data community members should consider contributing to measuring the usage of element sets against more precise and up-to-date listings of datasets and value vocabularies"

* "It is also apparent that linking to other data that do not have this central character is quite common."

* "FOAF is a basic common-sense and widely used ontology for describing persons and other closely-related entities on the Web."

* I'm not sure what this means:
"When publishing a new package, adding it to CKAN means that it is included in a frequently consulted list of packages. "

* I'm not sure what this means: 
"Although ULAN not yet published as Linked Data per se, it does appears in the [|VIAF]."

* What does "their own" refer to here?
"In addition to the documentation made available on their own websites, the reader can view their content using generic ontology creation and visualization tools such as [ Protégé], the [ Manchester ontology browser], [ OWL Sight] or the [ Live OWL Documentation Environment (LODE)] "

* Does NACO stand for "name authority component"? Should we spell that out?
* Does TELplus stand for The European Library plus? Should we spell that out?
* What is the correct name for MARC21? MAchine-Readable Cataloging21?
* When should DC be abbreviated?
* Should API be spelled out?
* Does SKOS-XL have a long name?
* Ditto for OWL-DL?
* Does LOCAH have a long name?
* Does SPECTRUM have a long name?

* "As of the winter of 2011," "It contains terms in 24 languages (as of May 2011)."
Do we want to say "As of the date of this report"?

* It's a little strange that the usage examples appear before the vocabs here:

=====Preservation vocabularies from LoC=====

* Usage examples: [[Use Case Digital Preservation]]

======[ Preservation Events]======

A concept scheme for the preservation events, i.e., actions performed on digital objects within a preservation repository.

======[ Preservation Level Role]======

A concept scheme for the preservation level roles, i.e., values that specify in what context a set of preservation options is applicable.

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 14:29:31 UTC