Re: Another appendix A question - "side deliverable"

Somewhat tangentially, I wonder if we should continue to refer
to the side deliverables as "side deliverables" in the final
report.  Should we perhaps refer to them by their (short) names?


On Mon, Sep 05, 2011 at 09:05:09AM -0700, Karen Coyle wrote:
> In the paragraph about the use cases it states:
> Instances of these categories are listed in the side deliverable
> along with a brief description, links to their locations and to the
> [ use cases]
> that our group has gathered from the community
> I'm not sure what is meant here by "their locations" -- links to
> each use case's wiki page seems to be covered by the third thing in
> the sentence. Anyone?

Received on Monday, 5 September 2011 16:13:42 UTC