Re: LLD cloud (with a specific attn to William!)

On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Tom Baker <> wrote:

> One big bubble would also underline the strong presence of RKB in the cloud
> --
> credit where credit is due...  Such simplifications would enhance
> readability
> if they can be done easily.

I don't mean to short change RKB-explorer, but its significance seems a
little over-inflated here since there are only two datasets in the cluster
that have any external linkages (rkb-eprints and rkb-explorer-ieee and both
of those only go through the same external dataset) although obviously maybe
their significance can be found outside of the LLD-specific cloud.


> Tom
> --
> Tom Baker <>

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2011 01:37:18 UTC