Checking "Apply library experience in curation" rec


I've done a couple of changes to the last recommendation:
- a reference to the LD cloud
- remove "cultural" from "cultural mission" (I find it read a bit too specific here).

The main issue is with the last sentences:
"By curating and maintaining datasets, libraries can reap the benefits of opening their data for value-added contributions from other communities. Data from biographers or genealogists, for example, would immensely enrich resource descriptions in areas to which librarians traditionally do not themselves attend, greatly improving the possibilities for discovering and navigating their collections."

I'm not sure to understand the relation with the previous part of the paragraph. Is the idea that librarians would curate their datasets themselves by adding new links to other datasets, such as the biography datasets mentioned in the last sentence? If yes, then I think this would require some more explanation, like:
"By curating and maintaining datasets as truly linkable objects, libraries can reap the benefits of opening their data for value-added contributions from other communities. Adding links to data from biographers or genealogists, for example, would immensely enrich library resource descriptions in areas to which librarians traditionally do not themselves attend, greatly improving the possibilities for discovering and navigating their collections."


Received on Tuesday, 6 September 2011 20:03:48 UTC