Re: "Design user stories and models for user interfaces"?? - IMPORTANT

I'm with Antoine on "leadership" as more inclusive. -- kc

Quoting Tom Baker <>:

> On Tue, Sep 06, 2011 at 04:31:02PM -0700, Karen Coyle wrote:
>> I can't remember what this started out as, but both "leaders" and
>> "leadership" will probably be understood as "library directors and
>> other management types." If we want it to mean "thought leaders" or
>> "technology leaders" then we'll need those adjectives to be there.
>> IMO.
> The context was:
> Tom suggested:
>>> BTW, we have headings for bodies, participants, designers, librarians,
>>> archivists, and... leadership.  Shouldn't that be "For library leaders"?
> To which Antoine replied:
>> Unless there's a strong argument against, I prefer to keep it like this.
>> "leaders" has a strong connotation to me, which is less obvious in
>> "leadership". A bit as if "leadership" was leaving more room for  
>> people who are
>> not formal leaders (library director, department heads) to step in  
>> and battle
>> for moving things forwards at a higher-level. But maybe that's just me.
> In other words, I was suggesting "For library leaders" (instead of
> "leadership") for consistency with the other section headings, and  
> Antoine was
> preferring "leadership" -- for the reason, however, that to him, this term
> seemed more inclusive of people who exercise leadership at levels lower than
> library director and department head.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Baker <>

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 15:24:00 UTC