Re: Editing "Available data" side deliverable

On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 12:07:27AM +0200, Antoine Isaac wrote:
> I've also updated the Metadata Element Set tag cloud [2] and the text that goes with it

Given that this is a separate deliverable, I wonder if we should perhaps give
this text one final read-through to catch acronyms that are used before they
are expanded, e.g.:

-- LCSH, VIAF, FRBR, MARC, CKAN, and FOAF in [1].

-- LC in [2]...

Or am I being too fastidious...?

> I will now mourn my beautiful drawing at  ;-)

I think it should still be in the running... -- we'll put it to a vote on Thursday...! :-)



Tom Baker <>

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2011 23:13:29 UTC